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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | gizmo69 | 7


...prefects," announces Amy.

"Prefects? What does that involve?" Ellen asks.

"Well, surprisingly similar to what we got you, but we get a tie, and a jacket. We thought, though, that since you'll be the schoolgirl and we'll be the prefects we could play those roles.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that everything we tell you to do, you gotta do." Amy smiles playfully. "I mean everything."

You sit up. A thousand ideas float through your head, all of them good reasons to go along with it. Ellen is less enthusiastic. "What?! No way! Knowing you guys I'll end up God knows where doing God knows what with God knows who!"

"Exactly! It'll be fun! Remember Rachel Doyle had a party last summer? Well, I went with Sherah and Stacey. The party was lame. It was all fairy princess, jelly-and-ice-cream bullshit, so we decided to play a game. I mean, we'd travelled 400 miles because we thought it would be fun, and it weren't. So I became Stacey and Sherah's bitch, and had to do whatever they asked me. I spiked the punch with rum and had the best night of my life. That bouncy castle never saw so much bouncin', if you catch my meaning! We thought we could do it again tonight."

"Yeah, but why can't I be a prefect?"

"Sorry, Sherah and me already claimed that. Besides, that would be less fun for your friend, here, wouldn't it?" Amy looks at you, and you nod in agreement. You're still not sure what exactly 'the Lair' is, but your cock is also showing full support of the redhead's plans.

Ellen looks at your eager face, then at Amy. She sighs. "Fine. I'll do it. But if I don't like it, I'm swapping with you."

"Great! No problem!" Amy says gleefully. She turns to you. "Now, if you want to come along, then we're gonna have to get an outfit for you."


What did they have in mind?


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