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Vampire Fledgling | gizmo69 | 12


"Maybe some other time, L.J., I think I'll go and check in with Ginger." you say.

"Well OK then, newbie. Just through there," says L.J., motioning toward a large fire door with an imposing "Employees Only" sign written in big red letters. "Come and find me if you run into trouble."

You nod and walk toward the door. You pull on the handle and find it locked, so you knock. A few seconds later, the door swings outwards, and you are met by another large bouncer. "Help you?" he asks.

"Just trying to find Ginger."

"You got an appointment? She's kinda busy at the moment."

"I think she's expecting me. L.J. said I could go straight up." You point your thumb back to where you were sitting a few moments ago. The bouncer looks over, and you see L.J. raise his glass and nod across the room to him.

"Well, I guess if it's OK with L.J., it's OK with me. If she asks, though, L.J. let you up. I can't afford to lose this job."

"Fair enough. Where is her office?"

"Up the stairs, turn left and down the end of the corridor. You'll know when you're there." The bouncer gives you a whimsical smile, and you walk past him.

You follow the bouncer's directions until you enter a dark corridor. The only source of light comes from a room at the end, which you presume to be Ginger's office. You walk down the corridor toward the warm light, and you find the door slightly ajar. You lift your fist to knock, when the sound of a woman's moan stops you. You look in through the gap in the door, but all you can see is a large oriental-looking screen which blocks your view, and it is from behind this that you can hear the unmistakebale sighs and moans of a woman in the throes of sexual pleasure.


Do you go in or wait outside?

          Go on in!


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