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Insurance Salesman's- | 69 | 4


You can't think of an answer to that question, but it doesnt matter seeing as the question was obviously rhetorical. She goes on to give you the whole shpeil about what she's selling and how it could save your life. Apparently purchasing a timeshare at a creepy mansion is not only very cheap but also can help in the removal of warts. You yawn aloud, almost sick of the sight of this annoying little girl. She sees your yawn, and kicks her saleswoman additude into high gear, telling you that for a limited time, you can get twice the time in your timeshare for the same price!!! Oh wow, you're amazed!! She goes on to offer a free tour, and a keychain with a bottle-opener on it for free.

Well, You always wanted a keychain with a bottle-opener on it, so you reluctantly accept. The ride is uneventful, Britney blabbing on and on, occasionally making juvenile sexual passes. The ride is short, the timeshare community being only a handful of miles from your house. She leads you up, skipping a step saying, "Watch out for that step, it creaks." You ignore her, not caring about a creaky step in the slightest, and step onto it, distributing your entire weight concentrating on a single foot, simply out of spite, onto the creaky stair.

The step creaks and wobbles, with a large resounding cracking noise. Suddenly the stairs near you collapse upon themselves and you fall through, into a hidden basement or cellar of some sort. You get up, dizzy and sore from the fall, and look around you. Around you are many pedastals holding ancient artifacts, lit by some magical light source. You are surprised that you believe what you see, even though it's right in front of you. You see that there are three genies bottles in different designs, 3 potions one in each of the primary colors, and three gold boxes or chests each ornamented with a different valuable gem. Three seems to be the magic number here, and there are no doorways in sight.


Which type of artifact do you try your hand at first?

          Genie bottles all the way!

          You're thirsty, why not have a drink?

          Look for riches within a box!


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