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Vampire Fledgling | gizmo69 | 10


"Well, go on, FUCK OFF!" says the bouncer, pushing you backwards and letting go of you. You stumble backwards and fall on the floor. As your ass collides with the cobbles, your barely restrained fury explodes. Adrenalin courses through your veins, and with incredible agility, you leap back up and lunge at the bouncer, letting off an animalistic roar. The bouncer, surprised by you, has no time to react, and you both tumble to the floor. You crash on top of him and headbutt him in the nose with an audible crunch, his blood smearing your forehead. Holding him down with one hand you start punching and scratching at his face with unrealised strength. Your actions are totally out of your control, and it feels as if your body is another person and your are merely a spectator in this bloody battle. The crowds of clubbers around you have faded into obscurity as you rain fists onto the man on the floor.

Suddenly you feel hands on your back and the rest of the world snaps back into your consciousness as you are pulled off the bloody-faced bouncer. The hands whip you around and you can just make out the badly formed features of the Scottish bouncer before your vision is impaired by his fist. You stagger backwards but don't lose your footing, and before he can raise his fist again, you dive at him head first. Your hands grip onto his shoulder and face and your mouth turns into a whirl of gnashing teeth. You bite his earlobe off and he screams in agony, but still you can't stop. Your teeth sink into his cheek, then his chin. He starts to push at you and spin around in fear.

"Get the fuck off me! You fucking looney! Somebody HELP ME!" No one in the mass of people around you steps in, and it's clear that you may kill this man if you can't stop yourself. Suddenly, however, someone dives at you from your right and you both tumble to the floor. This man is slender, so isn't one of the bouncers, but he manages to pin you to the floor with little apparent effort. You can't make his face out in the shadows, but he leans forward and starts whispering in your ear. His voice has an Southern American drawl, and is deep and soothing.

"Calm down, it's OK now, just relax..."

You feel your frenzied state ebb away under this melodic voice. Your whole body relaxes and you start to take control of your thoughts, then of your body.

"Thank you...I'm OK now..." you say.

The deep, rolling voice speaks again, still speaking in soothing tones. "OK, I'm gonna let go you now, and you n'me are gonna just walk right on into that club and get y'all cleaned up. Got it?"

"Yeah," you say.

The pressure on your chest is released, and you stand up, a little dizzy. You walk next to your rescuer, who bends down and speaks to the bouncers as he passes. "You boys need to get yerselves up. Go on in and get cleaned up and then take the rest of the night off. Seems to me you boys have had more n'enough fun fer one night!" He nods back toward you. "I'm gonna take care of this 'un." The bouncers don't seem satisfied, but reluctantly pick themselves up off the floor and hobble inside. Two new bouncers have already taken up positions at the door, but this time they let you in without a fuss.


What happens inside the club?

          You meet L.J. Granger


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