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A Hard Choice | Dark Warrior | 4


Lance stared into his drink with a depressed look on his face, occasionally stirring the shot of spirits as he looked into its black depths, before he brought it to his lips and threw it back, immediately gesturing for another.
He sat in a rather dark and dingy bar, which was nearly empty; he was depressed because his girlfriend of 7 months had just dumped him. And given him the "It's not you, it's me." excuse, which he hated. Like it wasn't enough that they were dumping you, they had to go and throw it in your face by insulting you with the oldest excuse in the book.
He was 23, just under 6 foot tall, with an athletic build. He had short, brown hair and green-blue eyes.
"Something the matter?"
Lance turned to face the speaker, and his eyes fell on another guy, sitting a couple of stools over from Lance. He was roughly the same height as Lance, his build a little heavier. He had red hair and brown eyes which shone with compassion.
Lance turned back to his new drink. "Girl problems." he mumbled, before throwing the shot glass back.
"Oh, sorry. They're hard to understand, aren't they, women? That's why I gave up on them." the other man said. Lance shot a surprised glance at him, but the man only smiled. "My name's Kevin. Kev will do. How about you?"
Lance thought for a moment before he responded. He was straight, and had never even thought about swinging the other way. Still, Kev seemed to be genuinely compassionate, and Lance finally arrived at the conclusion that sex was not what Kev was interested in.
"Lance, nice to meet you." he responded, reaching out to shake Kev's hand.


What next?

          More small talk.

          Lance gets to the point


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