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A Night To Remember | BouncerBabe | 1


Leigh was in the kitchen doing the dishes while she watched the movie "Out of Sight." "Leigh." John sighed coming in the room.

"Yeah?" She sighed, pushing her blonde hair from her face with the back of her arm.

"You're not doing a good job with the dishes. Three customers have complained." John sighed.

"Sorry, Boss." Leigh sighed.

"Listen, you're my sister, and I love you. But, if you don't do any better I'm gonna have to let you go." John said.

"Don't fire me." Leigh pleaded.

"I won't. Maybe if you didn't watch these damn movies when you were working you wouldn't do so bad." John said.

"I'm sorry." Leigh said.

"Just, do better." John sighed.

"Don't worry, I will." Leigh said.

Leigh watched John walk out. "Leigh, I'll fire you if I have to." She mimicked her brother. "No one else would work for free you moron."

"Leigh." John asked at eight.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Could you lock up for me, I need to leave early." John said.

"Sure." Leigh shrugged.

"Thanks." John said leaving the kitchen.

"I need to leave early? If I asked to leave early he'd laugh in my face." She sighed. "Sometimes I wish I could just leave."

After work she locked the store up and started to walk to the back where the steps to her upstairs apartment were. "Excuse me, Miss." She heard a very familiar voice say.

She turned around and looked into the deep eyes of George Clooney. "Hi." She managed to say.

"Hi, could you please open the restaurant, I really want a cup of coffee." George asked.


Should she open the store again?

          Invite Him Upstairs

          Mariah Carey


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