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A Pokémon chose your own adventure book | Lupine | 7


Even though it is getting dark the trainers on the trail, many of them not even in their teens, are not packing up for the day. They are relentless in their quest for battle bounty. The bounty is collected from any losing trainer. They are hoping to catch new trainers in this area. Just as new trainers are hoping to ensnare pokemon weak enough to be made into slaves.

Your thoughts drift to your new Ralts at your side. So human, so beautiful. You had no idea. You try to think of other pokemon that would have beautiful female bodies. You cannot think of any examples at the moment. And she was psychic type too. You ask the creature if she knows the ‘psychic attack’ ability. This is the power you need to dominate Ms. Ketchum. She shakes her head ‘no’, her straight green hair waving back and forth almost completely obscuring her eyes. You ask her what attacks she does know. She looks at you for a moment. Then she places both fingers on either side of her head and then makes circular motions with them. The sign for ‘crazy’ you muse, that does not make any sense. Then you realize that she means confusion. She nods her head gladly confirming that the communication was successful. You go on to ask her what else she knows. She holds one hand vertically and walks her fingers toward it with the other hand. Maybe she means ‘door’. You try and form a list of psychic attacks in your head. That does no good so you think about the word ‘door’. You suddenly shout out. You ask her if she means ‘teleport’. She does. This makes your odds of successfully running the gauntlet much greater.


dirty tricks

          What happens when you get home?

          Running the Gauntlet pt 2


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