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A Pokémon chose your own adventure book | Lupine | 6


The secret garden

A petite naked woman with skin of pure white and a bob hair cut of algae green steps onto the path. You are instantly turned on by her nakedness and the way in which she knowingly demures at your attempts to make eye contact. You command the Venonat on behalf of the blonde kid. You order a sleep command. You want the attack to be quick. You need your prize undamaged. Venonat launches its sleep juice and hits the Ralts right in the face. Her petite body gracefully falls to the ground. You resist the urge to jump on her sleeping naked body. You make a wish kiss your ultraball and throw it in an arc hoping it will land on her. Hoping she will sleep through her capture. This beautiful alien creature. The drawings you studied gave no hints that her looks would be so completely human. Your aim is worthy. The ball bounces off her head and opens its mechanical maw. You wince in anxiety as she becomes noncorporeal and is sucked into the magic ball. If only she stays in there for a few seconds you will own her. Your mouth is dry as you picture her tight little ass and her glistening egg white skin. The ball lands on the ground, and rolls back and forth.

She is yours. The odds were in your favor of course but still, you only had the one ball. You run as if one with the wind and triumphantly grab your new slave with a greedy grin. The blonde kid looks nonplused after witnessing your selfserving nature. You grip your ball firmly, pace back towards him and hand over your remaining pokeball. He helped you out after all and a deals a deal. You eagerly head to the nearby pokemon center. The nurse cheerfully recognizes you from the many times she looked over the blonde kids Venonat today. She comments that you must be very interested in pokemon health. You ogle her fleshy thighs and her tight, old fashioned nurses outfit for the twentieth time. She lets your Ralts out of her ball. The curvaceous red haired nurse bends over and wipes the Ralts creature down with a washcloth. If this were a private show you would consider masturbating, but there are people everywhere.

She tells the Ralts to take good care of you. A little joke. What an excellent bedside manner this nurse has. You consider for a moment that this nurse, while human, is a clone. You consider that many scientists of this world have cloning technology. You contemplate exploiting this magic science that this world enjoys. But you need more information. You need to build your power base. You need to appear to be a good hearted trainer. You thank the nurse while trying to keep your lustful glares to a minimum.

While preparing to head back down the woodland trail to your mothers house you realize that you now have a pokemon and will not be able to avoid trainer battles! Plus it is finally getting dark. You suggest to the blonde haired kid that maybe you both camp out in the center till early in the morning when wild pokemon and trainers will be asleep or having breakfast. He complains that he absolutely must get home. In an attempt to calm him you ask what his name is. He responds with an exhausted look. He has been telling you his name all day. You can’t let him run the entire gauntlet that is the town trail by himself. Besides you want to get the little Ralts creature alone and into your bed. You would like to take her aside and give her a detailed explanation of what you are going to do. She is giving you shy looks and an inhuman smile. You will not allow your prize to be injured on this ridiculous trail.

You explain your plan to the Blonde hair kid.


Running the Gauntlet

          Running the Gauntlet pt 1


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