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A Pokémon chose your own adventure book | Lupine | 5


To be the master is my dream!

The day is half gone but you will yourself to the towns entrance. You must get a psychic pokemon. You must dominate Ms. Ketchum! After a long walk you are finally at the towns entrance. There are younger trainers then you milling about. A few of them challenge you and you are forced to explain that you have no pokemon yet.

Eventually you spot a trainer who you like the looks of. A kid with a Venonat. He has a good head of blonde hair and is without a ridiculous safari hat that some of these kids are sporting. You approach the Blonde kid and try and make him a deal. You offer to identify any wild pokemon including its weaknesses. You further offer to give him your pokeball. In exchange he will use his venonat to battle and weaken a pokemon enough to be defeated. When you find the type you are looking for you will catch it for yourself. He is a bit confused about the benefits of this very unorthodox offer but you assure him that he will not regret it.

First of all, the two of you run to the next town. He hides his Venonat in his backpack. You are the shield protecting him from trainer battles with your lack of pokemon. There is a pokemon center in the next town. You explain to him the secret of stopping in at the center after every single battle. You further explain the need to never stray very far from the center so that the chances of a wild battle going wrong are mitigated.

You see many things. There are pokemon here from all over the world. You were only expecting a few local types. The Blonde trainer is reservedly impressed with your knowledge. He does not care for your poison+sleep hit and run strategy. But you explain to him that it is the way of the Venonat and he is forced to agree that it is effective. You are tempted by a rattata but decide against the kind of long range work that such a catch would result in. You see a mew. Even the kid knows what it is. You explain to him that it is a total ball tease. You are hoping for an Abra when you see her.


The secret garden.

          The secret garden


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