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Losing Consciousness | synonymous | 4


She found herself speaking, "I live to serve," in the same language of the... things. She agreed it was again, mostly a true statement. She was pretty sure anyway.

She slithered over to the shallow hole in the wall and slid in head first. It was slick and had she been fully aware of what she was doing, she would have said it was positively the most abominable atmosphere she had ever been in.

The faint darkness in the hole was made complete by the wall closing in behind her. Slowly, the room began to lighten through some strange biological reaction. She could feel herself quiver in excitement.

"I'm going to... be the first human!" she said to herself ecstatically. She found serving gave herself incredible pleasure.

She wasn't completely ecstatic though, a small reserved portion of her mind struggled to remind her who she was and to get out immediately. It was mostly ignored.

Before much more could be processed, she found herself amazed and awestruck as several long tubes washed her body free of dirt and soot, displaying a healthy amount of attention to her excited quim. Her pink lips produced impossible levels of pleasure as the soothing water pushed against her folds. Soon, they glistened in the dim light.

The strange tubes bled back into the wall and she watched again in fascination as a massive hole in the ceiling opened up.

A feeble horror clipped some of her mirth as hundreds of creatures began to land in the cramped room. A pulse shook through her, calming her nerves. The pulse was oddly weak though. It seemed to be weakening with each continuous pulse. She felt its hold on her weaken with each attempt to restrain her. She didn't know if this was good or bad.

With the last of its strength, the creature gave her a final order. She understood it clearly.

"Accept. Lower end onto ground. Spread legs far. Enjoy. Serve...," it's scratchy voice faded and she could feel some of her consciousness return.

She was perfectly calm and she could feel her body about to respond to the commands wrought before her.


Does she manage to resist?

          Alair does not resist.


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