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Losing Consciousness | synonymous | 3


Alair stood weakly to her feet and examined herself. She was covered in sweat, but mostly alright.

"I hope... that it doesn't linger in me too long, I might get sick," she thought gravely.

Suddenly a powerful surge of energy wracked through her body, throwing her off her feet again.

A raspy voice commanded savagely, "Return to colony. Receive orders. Outside immediately,"

Alair was spellbound as she found herself nearing the window in her bedroom.

"What's happening to me?" she whispered frighteningly.

"You are S'Nack. Servant of Queen. You are host. You live to serve Queen." the thoughts disturbed her gathering concentration.

She found herself agreeing reluctantly.

"It is mostly true," she told herself. Most of her defiance came from the fact she knew her name was Alair Mockwell. A small portion of her thoughts told her that she was not a servant.

Alair didn't even bother dressing as she climbed out of her window. She climbed down a story before letting herself drop two stories. She landed painlessly. Another urge directed her into the surrounding forest where she seemingly wandered thoughtlessly for what seemed days.

She ended up at a large hole just large enough for her to slip in and crawl on her hands and knees.

The dirt tunnel started out fresh and new, but as she continued crawling the walls began to get progressively less natural. At the end of the tunnel, a thick carapace coated the walls. Left. Right. Forward. Down. Forward. She obeyed, spying a multitude of creatures, ranging from erratic blobs to strange looking foxes and rabbits, she even noticed several malformed scorpion-like creatures crawling through the pink labyrinth.

She found herself in a massive room, large enough for her to stand and not scrape the ceiling. She was immediately ordered to crawl again though, and she slowly approached a massive bulge in the center of the impressive room. Hexagons and triangles were seemingly cut out haphazardly in the walls, some large enough for her to pass through easily, they looked shallow though.

The spherical mass seemed to be the nucleus of the colony. She acknowledged it with a firm kiss at its face, only evident by a nose-like appendage.

"You have done well S'Nack. Our first human captive in the area. We will expand accordingly because of your efforts," she somehow understood everything that radiated from its being. The language was a combination of erratic sounds and body language.

A hose extended from its body and it lightly grazed her forehead before retreating back into its pink membrane.

"This colony needs more energy. We will fail soon without proper energy. You must gather many more of your kind for us. You must be properly equipped. Hexagon. Right," it commanded in a calm and collected authority.


Obey the creature?

          Obey completely.


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