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Thunder and Lightning | Lupine | 24


I have never had much use for patience. I wasn’t sure if my plan was foolproof but I was going to push it as far as it would go. The dad sat there drinking and drinking. Meanwhile, I focused all his fear and guilt into a panic. I played it out for him over and over. I let him believe that if he stayed in this house another night he would make illegal overtures towards Becca. He would be in prison for the rest of his life. His only chance, get out tonight, right now and never look back.

Without so much as a ‘keep in touch’ the old man stumbled out the door jingling his car keys. I was hoping he would never return, but he would probably snap out of it in the morning or something.

I then went to the kitchen to ‘check’ on mom.
She was dressed more conservatively then she had been during the day. Wearing one of her business suits. Perhaps it was an attempt to disguise her very recent volatile behavior.
“Kristina.” I said, my blood already stirring, knowing I would have her again soon.

“I’m tired. Ok? Ok baby? Mummy’s worn out. Kristina IS tired… mKay?”
Wow. Never realized that Kristina’s mood swings were a bitch to deal with. The tone in her voice surprised you and your first reaction was to argue or start shouting. But why would you resort to something that would just waste time?

“Besides” said Kristina in a hush. “Your –father- is home.”

“No he’s gone. Out the door. By the looks of things I don’t think he’s coming back.” You smirk.

“oh no… what the… Ok I need to figure this out. Just, just get out of here and leave me alone.” Said Kristina. With your new insight into the maternal mind you sensed she was worried about money. Money and property.

“Look, you are worried about money, pour us some drinks and we will figure it out. leave the cleaning. Lets uh, the living room?”

Kristina made a dismissive sound.

“I am the only person that can help you… don’t you get that? Let me help you, or face the consequences.” I said while blasting her with my mental influence.

“You… I… so much has happened today. I… I’ll get those drinks… …honey.” She said and sort of limped out of the room. Then I realized she was probably limping from all the sex. “This is much, much better” I thought to myself.

Kristina made some drinks at the bar (which was mostly a fancy closet.) in the living room. I sat down, accepted the drink when it was handed to me and took a sip. Kristina stood, sexily and gracefully shifting her weight onto one leg, and took a hard pull on the potion from the stout little glass.

“Good. Now, bring me all your credit cards.” I directed.

Kristina milled around in her jacket then in the closet. She brought me the cards complaining that they would be of no help because they all had substantial outstanding balances already. Then I told her to give me the numbers for the companies and a cell phone. She went off and did all that, I made her finish her drink and pour another.

I called one company then another. My plan was to use my power to get credit on all the accounts. I was going to just tell them to set the card to a positive balance. But then the little recording said that they were recording the call. So I had to pretend that they had made a mistake and I was calling to fix it.

When they asked me who I was I said “this is Kristina’s husband.”

That elicited a worried giggle from Kristina. Despite my influence being different over the phone my plan worked. I took two long hours with all the questions and apologies and my insistence that the balance be updated immediately.

Despite all that, Kristina was skeptical. So I sat her down at the PC. I drank with one hand and caressed the back of her neck with the other. As she checked balance after balance showed $8,000 in the black.

From her sitting position she looked up at me in disbelief.

“But- but they will figure it out.” She projected.

“If they did, what would their reaction be? To call us. So I would talk to them again, and convince them again.” I said. “I can be very persuasive.” I added then I shoved my tongue passed Kristina’s pursed lips. I slid my tongue in and out of her mouth in imitation of a sex act. She was complying but a little stiffly.

“Now, MOMMY, there is something you want to tell me. It may seem strange you probably wont believe what you are saying. Even so, say it. Even if only because you know I want to hear it.” I said, or something like that I was getting lit.

She gazed up at me with unblinking eyes.

“Well, first of all thank you for all this.” She gestured at the screen. “Second of all I’m sorry I was a bitch to you earlier and… and…”

I was bearing down with all my power now.

“I want… I want… I know I am your…uh… Mommy but I want to, uh. Beg. No, I mean, this is so silly! I want you make me your bride and… and fuck me everyday like a… slut.” She said whispering the last word.

“Ha! Then get up and get out of those clothes!” I commanded. Kristina did so. Seeing her there shedding her clothes onto the living room floor with that drunk party look in her eyes was a spectacular sight to me. I had her make a pitcher of what we were drinking and put a straw in it. Then I made her get suck mouthfuls of it and feed it to me through a kiss. I kept my clothes on and she rubbed and squeezed the bulge in my pants over and over. The drink kisses were very fun. Mostly I liked watching her naked body as she served me and the somewhat worried look in her eyes. She couldn’t understand how she had been reduced to this. The pitcher was half gone when she said, “I shouldn’t have said ‘slut’.” Then she laid her head on the couch and closed her eyes. She had passed out. I was very drunk. I stumbled around and found a blanket and put it over her.

I was cursing my bad luck when I realized that Becca was upstairs.

I quickly took the steps up. I opened her door.

“Becca are you awake?” I asked.

“Is that you?” Becca responded. She must have been asleep but was awake now. I told her to get ready and so she lifted her thighs up and whipped her panties off. I was on her in an instant. Pressing the tip of my cock into her.

“Ouch! Ouch!” She complained.

“Jesus! What did I do? Are you OK” I asked, all worried.

“I’m alright but go slower. Ok?” Becca advised. I tried going slower pushing my tip in then gently rocking it slightly forward and slightly back.

“Are you fucking mom?” She asked. I didn’t say anything and kept concentrating on what I was doing.

“Oh! Jerk! Get off! Get off!.” She complained and, with her legs around me easily unbalanced me and pushed me onto the floor.

“That’s fine Becca. When I walk out you will fall asleep and in the morning when you wake up you will have completely accepted… well the new… order of… you will accept things and you -will want me more then ever!-” I spat and walked out. Not very nice. Not very cool. I thought, even as I said it. Seemed like what I needed was power over myself.

Worried I would lose my erection I ran back downstairs. Kristina was lying face down on the couch. I pulled the blanket off her and mounted her. This woke her up.

“Mmmm? Not again… jesus cant you get enough?” Kristina complained but did nothing to stop me. I licked her shoulders and pumped away I like the way her ass and soft thighs felt against my thrusts.

“…cum inside you, you bitch.” I mumbled.

“Did you just call me a bitch?” She questioned sleepily. I thrusted for a few more minutes then finally built up a tingling and came deep inside my drunken mother who had promised to be my bride.


the next day?



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