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The Thief | mrdno1 | 6


Jennai is beyond frantic as she rushes forth, realising that the elven woman has somehow tracked her down, but she cares not. Jen is almost upon her when the elven smile stops her dash as if it were a sheer stone wall.

The power with which the elven maiden holds out her hand is undefined, as she wields forth a mighty scepter, rambling through incantations which threaten to tear at the very fabric of time and space.

Jennai, stunned, steps back and back again, throwing her arms up in fear while her legs tremble still from her own wetness. The elf maiden begins to smile ambiguously as large, powerful arms grip Jen's wrists from above and behind. She gasps as if from terror and utter surprise, looking up and back over her shoulder frantically.
A deep, dark, being of crimson and darker shades looks down unto her, its head horned upon either side, almost a full two feet taller than her. Its clutches draw her back, and closer to its own inhumanely powerful build, as she feels a third touch quite high against her back. Quite simply a demon, its dark, almost insubstantial eyes glower down upon her form.




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