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Vampire Fledgling | gizmo69 | 3


You decide to head for the place you met Tereza: Caine nightclub. You picture the alley that leads to it, and the pawn shop and book shop it nestles between. One problem remains, however. You have no idea where in London it is!

The night you met Tereza is now a haze. You remember you got a cab to the club, but how you got there, or which of your friends directed the driver is a mystery. There were five of you in the spacious back of that London cab, yourself included. You sat next to your best mate, Dean, who spent the entire ride glued to the face of his girlfriend, April. They spent most of their time like that. You'd think after living together for a year, they'd be bored of each other. Sitting opposite you on the fold-down chairs were Louise and Ed. Ed was wasted that night, and you remember you all had a great laugh at his ranting about dropping the doner kebab he had just bought.

"I'd just bought the fucking thing!" he moaned, his words slurred and his hands waving crazily. "Exactly the way I like it. Chilli sauce on the meat, but not too much as to soak the pitta bread, then lettuce, a bit of mayonnaise, and no onion. Extra chillies, with a fork." Ed was incredibly anal about his kebabs. He had leant over the counter so much to direct the poor Turkish employees that he almost fell over to the other side. You had to grab his feet to stop him from falling. Ed had just walked out of the shop when he staggered, fumbled and knocked the polystyrene carton out of his own hands while trying to put the napkin in his pocket. Ed looked like he was going to cry as he stared at his fresh kebab spewing its contents on the ground.

You arrived and walked into Caine. Who's idea was it then? You pull out your mobile phone. Scrolling through your contacts list, you pick out the name that you are looking for and press 'call'.

"Hello?" Dean sounds sleepy.

"Hey dude, it's ."

"Dude! Where where you today? Helen freaked when you didn't turn up!" Helen is - was - your boss. You and Dean have worked in the same office job together for the past 2 years. You both fancy the tits off Helen, but don't admit it to each other, or her.

"I wasn't feeling so good. I slept all day."

"I bet you fucking did! We saw you leave with that girl from the club last night! Damn, she had an ass to kill for! OW!"

"What was that?"

"Sorry, April just hit me. Listen, what you up to tonight?"

"I've kinda got some errands to run, which brings me to the point of my call. You wouldn't happen to know whereabouts that club we went to last night was, do you?"

"No, never been there before. I think it was Louise's idea to go there. Maybe you should ring her."

"OK, will do. Cheers mate."

"No worries. Before you go, I was wondering if I could ask you a favour. It's kinda personal."


" and April were chatting a couple of hours ago, and were thinking up things, you know, in our sex life."


"You see, we were thinking of trying something neither of us had done before, and after a LOT of discussion we came to a decision."

"Which was?"

"...A threesome. With you. You can say no if you want, we don't mind. We just thought it might be fun."

"A threesome? With two guys? Man, you should have gone for two women!"

"I know, but April was a bit funny about it. She said she was worried that I might fancy the other girl more. Besides, I quite like the idea of watching her get fucked by someone. And who better than my best buddy? So whaddaya think?"

You pause. Despite your eagerness to find answers, it WOULD be good to get a chance with April. She is a little plump, but is very pretty and has massive tits. You have secretly had a crush on her since Dean first met her. Besides, with your new...condition, you could always do with a chance to feed. You realise that you probaby couldn't get away with it while the three of you were together, but if you could get one of them on their own...

It's odd that since you changed into your new form, you don't have such a feeling of loyalty to your old friends. They feel more like sustenance than people, and you feel a sense of detachment from your former life.


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