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7 Little College Girls | corran25 | 19


Cathy lay there for several hours, with Suki's gentle breathing on her neck and chest, and the girl's slender, yet strong arms wrapped around her. Using her feet, Cathy reached for the covers and gently covered them both. She placed the sheets carefully so as not to disturb the sleeping confused girl and, planting a gentle kiss onto Suki's forehead, settled down into a mess of conflicting dreams herself.

Cathy woke early, with Suki's arms still around her. She could clearly recall the events from Suki opening her door, but was still a little shocked to find herself in the situation she was in. Mike would never understand. Her boyfriend, though kind enough and good in the sack, was also straightlaced enough that he would think her perverted. She had no choice. She loved Suki and, if Mike couldn't deal with it, he'd have to go. Although that thought brought a tear to her eye, she looked down at Suki's face, innocent in sleep, with tearstreaks still on her face, and smiled in mixed pain and satisfaction. She always wondered if she were in love with Mike, now she knew that she wasn't. Not really, at least. She pulled Suki closer and gently began kissing her face, beginning with her chin and moving everywhere except her lips.

Suki, still half asleep, moaned in mixed pleasure, dismay, embarrassment, and confusion. She knew these lips. Knew their owner. Loved them well, but was ashamed of her feelings. Finally, Cathy's questing lips, found Suki's seeking pair and they came together in an embrace more loving than either had ever known before.


Actions and Consequences.

          The next morning



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