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7 Little College Girls | corran25 | 17


Cathy paced slowly towards the doorway. Her face set in a sneer. She roughly pushed Suki out into the hall and firmly closed the door behind her. To take her mind off the sick girl in the hall and embarrassed by the things that the others had done to her, she pulled out her dildo and thought about transferring to a different dorm. Maybe even a different school. Cathy brought herself off with her friend several times while thinking of her boyfriend back home, with the Asian girl's sobbed apologies and ashamed begging coming through the keyhole.


Suki couldn't believe it. She'd done nothing wrong that she could think of, and Cathy rejected her out of hand. She'd seemed so willing earlier. What had happened? Suki fled, sobbing, to Jo's room. Jo was mature and understanding. She could help.


Jo suggests...


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