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A Boy at a Girls School | citrusmirakel | 7


", I..." You lose your voice for a moment as you try to confide in your friend. 's mouth is open, but she is also not speaking.

"I'm going to tell you this, because you're my friend and I think I can trust you, and it's not really a big deal, so we don't really need to make a big deal out of anything, but I just need to tell somebody about it."

", what is it? You can tell me, I promise."

"Okay." You swallow. "Miss Stoller, and again - we don't need to make a big thing out of this, but Miss Stoller, when she took me back to her office, she... well, like you said... she spanked me."

"Ohmigod! Really!? So it's true!" 's face lights up, as if she were delighted to hear this news.

", really. Again. Let's not make a deal out of this, I'm just saying - I mean, you were saying that you've heard she does that, and I guess it's true. She does. Or at least, she did. On me."

"Wow." She says, staring at you.

"But let's not... I mean, this isn't the kind of thing that needs to get out. It's over, and if I'm at the beginning of this sort of rumor mill - you know, I bet Stoller is the vindictive type."

pauses for a moment to digest this. "Okay. No, I understand your concern. So, and I'll tell you right now, this is gonna be hard, but I won't tell anybody. I promise."

"Thanks." You relax a bit. Resting next to , back on your palms, you breathe in the growing silence in the room.

"So... bare assed?" She asks you.

"Yup." You reply. And the silence continues. You look around your room, trying to find something interesting you can start a conversation about, but as you've barely unpacked anything, your room is daftly uninteresting, and a conversation on the topic of white walls seems less than thrilling.

But has spent this time preparing her own question.

"So, Stoller: When she was spanking you, did you get a hard-on."

If you had been drinking water at the time, it would have been the perfect spit take. You try to spit out a quick and definite "no", but instead splutter out something damningly non-committal. "But, uh Whuh, uh... Why would you... why would you ask if I would?"

"I dunno..." 's eyes gaze dreamily toward the ceiling. "Personally, I think it's kind of a turn on. Being spanked, I mean."

"And this, uhh... this is from experience?" You ask.

"Wait a minute now, I believe I asked you a question first. So, yes or no: Did you get a hard-on when she spanked you."

Both you and play coy for a bit, each trying to draw a piece of information out from the other.


So, who answers their question first?


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