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Warriors in Heat | gunde | 7


Kitana fell hands-free down a narrow shaft, her body smacking into its rough stone walls every few seconds, making her involuntarily let go of her sword.
After what seemed like forever, Kitana was out of the shaft, but still falling at a alarmingly high speed.
Next, she felt her body slam into a wet, cold surface, breaking through it.
Quickly regaining her composure, Kitana soon had her head above the water, coughing up some of it that she had accidentally swallowed.

Looking around at where she had ended up, Kitana could see that she was floating in a pool that was situated in a large cave-hall, illuminated by torches hanging along the wall, there had to be a good thirty feet or so up to the ceiling.
Nearby was a ledge, which Kitana swam to, eager to get out of the cold water.
Getting up on the ledge, Kitana could make out that it led into a passage through the wall.

Not very eager to move through the dark hallways unarmed, Kitana figured that her sword had to be on the bottom of the pool.
When she suddenly noticed something big moving through the water, Kitana decided against diving into the water to look for it, and moved on, unarmed and her clothes and armour soaked with cold water.
She walked through the passage in silence, listening for any movements nearby.

Soon, Kitana was standing in a corridor, and had the choice of moving right or left.
The ring seemed to want her to take right, and Kitana decided that she had little choice but to follow its commands.
Kitana walked silently through the dimly lit corridor, which ended abruptly with a closed door. She slid the door opened, and stepped into the dark space that laid beyond it.
As soon as she had stepped inside, the door slam shut behind her, leaving her in total darkness.

Turning round, Kitana desperately tried to open the door, but to no avail, it was closed shut and lacked a handle on this side.
Suddenly, Kitana felt a cold pair of hands grab her arms, and she instinctively resisted, pushing her assailant away from her.
The darkness made it hard for Kitana to defend herself when another set of hands suddenly came out of the dark and grabbed at her, but she managed to kick away the new attackers legs.

But more hands now grabbed for her, there had to be at least six creatures attacking her, and the darkness worked against Kitana, who could not see her attackers in time to react to them in a adequate manner, only seeing grey, vaguely humanoid shapes attacking her.
In the end, Kitana was pinned to the ground by six cold, strong pair of hands.
While twelve hands held her down, another pair of hands was placed over her eyes, completely blocking her vision.

She screamed as she felt two cold hands press against her bare cleavage, before suddenly grabbing hold of the outline of her halter-top, and ripping it in two.
Horrified over her full breasts being forcefully exposed, Kitana barely kept from screaming again as she felt the hands move on to the hem of her leather skirt, clasping the garment and then repeating what they had done to her top, exposing Kitana’s crotch.

Struggling against her bonds, Kitana fought to get lose, expecting to be raped at any second, but each one of her attackers seemed to be every bit as strong as she was.
The figure that had stripped Kitana naked now clasped its fingers round Kitana’s throat, choking her.
Not prepared to end like this, Kitana struggled to get lose with all the power she could muster, but instead she soon drifted into unconsciousness, her body going limp.


Where does Kitana awake?

          In a empty room

          Back in the tavern


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