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Waking Up | Lupine | 6


I stumbled across the threshold of the master bedroom. My bedroom. My house.
“oh, what a day.”

Ms. Sorenson was sitting on the bed still wearing her expensive form fitting but now ruffled business suit. Even in her current state she was undeniably attractive. Of course, she is the mother of the angelic Cynthia. What made me think about that? Was I running some sort of breeding program? Hmmm.

Ms. Sorenson spoke slowly and seductively to me then, for she was compelled to do so.
“ I –want- you to get out of this house, you –fucking- asshole.”

That mismatched combination of word and sound made my neck muscles tingle pleasantly. But I truly needed to shower, in body and in psyche.
“What an interesting choice of words Ms. Sorenson, I’m surprised to hear you say ‘fuck’ and ‘asshole’ to me.”
“>SLEEP<” I commanded my witch. Then I strolled into the master bath.

The hot water hit me and I let out a sigh, my body was numb in many ways. Yet, my skins sensitivity was also altered and heightened from having sex so many times today. I just stood there and enjoy the heat and the sensation for as long as it lasts.

Cynthia arrived and opened the shower curtain passing me a tall cold glass of juice. I gulped the juice down in one go. The cold/hot paradox sent a wonderful zooming weightlessness to my mind.

“Have you got more juice out there sis?.”
“Sure thing sexy, hand me your glass.”
I down the next glass. I must have been somewhat dehydrated. Cynthia took my empty glass and climbed into the hot steam sleek and naked. She carefully went through some sort of ritual wherein she scrubs me with caring and sincerity.

I let my mind wander, and, as soon as I released my intent, my lower level thoughts ran up to my conscious perception. Curious. Cynthia, having been exposed to my mental power had latched on to me with a pure love that also seems like a juvenile crush. Although, she was sincere in her crush, and not just going through the motions. Brigitte still required more study. Although I had made note of her pliability. Ms. Sorenson on the other hand had reacted to my mental probes and pushes with violence. It seemed as if I had crashed into her defensive shields of ego, aggression, misanthropy and distrust. What could have happened that she developed shields like that?

The look of contentment has started to drain from Cynthia’s face.
“>Tell me what you are thinking Cynthia. <”
“Well, big brother, I am jealous about you wanting to be with other women. I really just don’t understand it. Also, I did not realize you butt was quite so big, or hairy-“
“Ok, OK! Look, when I am with other women it is about power. And lust I guess.”
I could see that my sweet Cynthia was not following.
“It’s like a wolf hunting a deer, on the face of it you might think it is evil. It is not evil though it is nature. You have fallen in love with a wolf and are keeping it as a pet. The wolf will protect you and care for you but don’t be surprised if it makes a mess in the kitchen.”
“So… you’re the wolf?” Cynthia asked with a smile as she started to rinse me off.
“>I am the wolf<” She leans in and does a Cynthia growl. Her soft lips touch me and we French kiss.
As Cynthia continued to rinse me I reached out to the sleeping mind of Ms. Sorenson.

I invaded Ms. Sorenson’s dream. I arrived in the dream naked but my body looked years younger, smooth, and undeveloped. Oddly, I also had an erection more powerfully engorged then my real body was capable of. Ms. Sorenson was there but she was not looking at me she was looking at three shadow triangle shapes in the periphery. Through my connection to Ms. Sorenson’s dream logic I knew these to be recurring nightmares that have plagued her for years.
But they were not my nightmares. I retained my conscious mind, and my even more unique powers. I make an odd dreamtime gesture and say.
“> I do hereby permanently banish and slay theeeeeeeeee <.”
Or something like that. Anyway I was satisfied by the shock of the triangles as they were snuffed out of existence. Ms. Sorenson then looked toward me, she seemed a completely different personality.
“Well, well look at this.” She said as she cast aside her silken blue see through gown.
The dream Ms. Sorenson marched toward my younger dream self. She casually took hold of my larger then life erection. Now I was about to tell her what I thought about this. But I realized that I was supposed to play out some scenario foreign to me.
“What are you doing?” I played along.
“You –know- what I’m doing” she said as she stratled onto the me of her dream. And then she eased my dream erection up into her. The feeling was magnificent. She was surprisingly tight! And I knew she would be in real life too. Must be the power yoga.
The dream Ms. Sorenson was writhing away.
“OH god yesss! Oh… woah…hmmm..hissss..uh..uh..Mommy loves it Sammy. fuck Mommy”
I could hear the real Ms. Sorenson moaning in her sleep. Not only was I in past her shields but this was a completely different section of her persona.
I decided to force feedback to her my sensations from the shower.
“oh baby! C’mon, uh, C’mon.” The dream Ms. Sorenson moaned then she threw her head back and the dream ended. She had flown up closer to consciousness.
“Ok, out you go.” Cynthia commanded. Cynthia looked down at my real life erection and then back up with a ‘would you give it a break’ expression.
No, I most certainly would not give it a break. But Cynthia was Cynthia and patience was a virtue.
My other sister and slave the tall and strangely attractive Brigitte came through the bedroom door compete with bra panties and an enormous bowl of popcorn. Brigitte looked at me hopefully as if asking to sit by me during the movie. Her mom rose from sleep at that point.
“Brigitte, why aren’t you dressed?”
Brigitte glanced down at herself as if puzzling this same question.
I decided to save the day.
“>You look fantastic Brigitte! Now, Cynthia has just been nice enough to scrub me. You two and Ms. Sorenson need to come in here and dry me off.<”
Soon they were both there, clean towels in hand, they had the roughness required for this task. As they furiously rub the towels across me I send Ms. Sorenson the memory of her dream over and over again, causing her to sneak glances at my erection. Brigitte seemed to be avoiding it. Eventually she got on her knees to dry the fronts of my legs. Her toweling efforts became sluggish. And eventually she looked up it then up into my eyes. She wore an entirely different expression then Cynthia had earlier. Cynthia was in the master bedroom putting her clothes back on. I gave Brigitte a quick nod. She eagerly engulfed most of my cock with her mouth while she continued to gaze up at me.

Betrayal in Partyland:

Brigitte was going to town on my cock. A damp patch appeared on her panties. A signal that she wanted my cock in more then one way. Brigitte now had one hand on the base of my cock and one hand on her chin so her fingers could assist her lips. She must have googled ‘techniques’ since this morning.
“Brigitte, What are you doing!?” Demanded Ms Sorenson, although she was still absentmindedly toweling my shoulders. This got Cynthia’s attention.
“Oh Jesus! Brigitte why are you… in front of me and Mom?” Cynthia sounded hysterical. I commanded all three of them to orgasm. Brigitte seemed the most appreciative although I was disappointed that she released my cock and closed her eyes to enjoy it. Ms. Sorenson buried her face in her towel to hide her reaction. Cynthia gave me a horrified look. I could see the damp stain spreading on the crotch of her jeans

My normal personality, my self control somehow snapped. I mentally commanded Cynthia to throw off her clothes as quickly as possible and come running into the bathroom. I could tell she was still angry. I commanded her to push Brigitte’s face off my cock. Then I grabbed Cynthia’s shoulders and spun her around. I pressured her down so

That her hands and elbows were on the bathroom sink and her face close to the mirror above the sink. Brigitte was protesting that it was her turn. I linked Brigitte and Ms. Sorenson to me empathically so that they would feel my male pleasure. I also trapped Ms. Sorenson inside the dream she had had earlier as a waking hallucination.
Brigitte stood up beside and pressed herself against my side. The hallucinating Ms. Sorenson stood behind me her eyes rolling about.
I slowly entered Cynthia’s wonderfully tight pussy. Brigitte was hit with a wave of empathic pleasure.
“Oh! Ho! Ho! Haaaaaah!” Brigitte exclaimed in realization.
I then formed a theory about Brigitte. She never had much of a personality, now she had access to my personality. She responded instantly at my slightest psychic nudge this morning in the kitchen. Having never had it before she had become a personality addict. She was a slave in the computer hardware sense of the word.
As such, she moved around behind me, nudged Mrs. Sorenson out of the way, discarded her skimpy stained clothes and presses her toned body against my back. I could feel her medium petite breasts and her soft hot muff; this both comforted me and drove my lust. Since she was taller then me her face fit easily next to mine, her mouth just above my ear. She also reached her arms under mine and grasped Cynthia’s slim hips. Brigitte then pressured Cynthia down the length of my shaft. I was all the way in Cynthia! Brigitte did not allow me to start pumping. She held Cynthia against my pelvis, her excited breathing an erotic pressure in my ear. Then I noticed Cynthia slowly clenching and releasing my rock hard erection.
Cynthia was still angry, looking at us through the mirrors reflection.
Something kindled inside me, it might have been evil, I didn’t know. I sent a torrent of lustful commands into Cynthia’s mind.
“Fuck your sister hard! You want to cum inside me? Yeah? Uuw! Come on! Oh! I want your babies!”
I heard this in stereo as Cynthia screamed it and Brigitte having some how listened in on the command hushed the same dirty talk into my ear. I was surprised I didn’t GO right then. I pulled out of Cynthia to prolong the experience. The excited Brigitte took the opportunity to lean forward for a difficult twist angled passionate tongue kiss.
I was frustrated at Cynthia for not being as excited as Brigitte. I had half a mind to give Brigitte Cynthia’s spot.
Then I decided to employ Ms. Sorenson to orally stimulate her lovely daughter Cynthia.
“No, I don’t want her to do that!” Cynthia protested.
“Little sister, our Master is going to teach you how to cum.” Brigitte suggested. I thought I’d created a monster. Nevertheless, I invaded Cynthia’s mind again.
“OH! Teach me how to cum! Play with your little sister!” Bounced Cynthia and then commenced licking at her own reflection. I plunged back into Cynthia and as she presses against me gyrating her hips so my cock hits all her various pleasure points inside and out I painfully and gratefully exploded. The male orgasmic Euphoria hit Brigitte and Ms. Sorenson through their link to me. I command Cynthia to have an extended one of her own. It was a joy to watch my sweet angel spent in pleasure.
When she finished however, she looked at me with disgust.
“Is this –all- you ever think about?”
“Typical jerk” added Ms Sorenson. I had been reluctant to punish the witch, but then I scrambled her memories so that she believed our fun in the kitchen that morning had happened, not once, but every morning that summer.

Brigitte started licking my tip clean.

Cynthia was trying to slap my hands away and leave the room. I should not have done that. I could have easily confined Cynthia to one part of the house while I partied with the other two. I had all the power but ‘right and wrong’ still existed for me. Well, what was I going to do? I didn’t have the power to turn back the clock.

“Wait a minute.”
I wiped Cynthia memory so that she thinks we just got out of the shower.
She blinked.

“Are we ready to watch the movie honey?”

I signaled Brigitte that that was enough oral …for now. She arose and looked at me her head tilted to the side. I noticed her large brown irises. Her eyes seemed to have almost no white at all. Had they always been like that? She gazed at me in a way that suggests an animal intellect rather then a human one. Like a Doe.

The girls head out into the master bedroom and turn the TV on. Except for Ms Sorenson who lies slumped on the bathroom floor.

“Are you done raping me and my daughters?” She asked. She was deliberately irritating me.
“Not by a long shot.” I reply and physically, rather then mentally, forced a kiss onto her.
I considered her case for a moment. I could remove her personality, but where was the fun in that? Besides I already had Brigitte. What king of slave could Ms Sorenson be? And what adjustments did I need to make to push her there?
I contemplated removing her sense of morality, or maybe her inhibitions? No, I needed to remember what I had learned about her that day. What could have created those unusual defensive shields? Did she survive, I didn’t know, some sort of …event? She survived something and having survived…
I formulated a hunch. I removed Ms. Sorenson’s >-guilt<.
The effect was instantaneous, she started howling with laughter. Well, I didn’t know what I to expect but that was definitely a reaction. I implanted a final seed in her mind that I was the one who set her free. That I was her savoir.
I walked into the master bedroom and close the bathroom door, leaving Ms. Sorenson to her insane wails of laughter.

“What is Mom doing in there.” Asked Cynthia innocently.
“I don’t know, I told her something funny, I guess. I didn’t think it was THAT funny.”
Cynthia started going through her mothers closet for something new to put on. Brigitte was flipping through the channels and found a ‘DS9’ rerun.
“Oh, is she the one you think I look like? “ Brigitte asked.
I looked at the screen. It was indeed the brunette from ‘DS9’. The actress was walking away from the camera, which lingered on a shot of her ass.
“Do you think she has a nice ass?” Brigitte giggled knowingly. How did she do that?
Brigitte arched her back and thrust her ass out slightly in a pose of invitation. Using body language to let me know that I could butt fuck her while watching the show.
What was going on with her? How was she reading me so precisely? I remembered that I neglected to close the empathic link to Brigitte and her mom. I close it now. I signaled Brigitte that I will take her up on her offer some other time.
We settled into the giant bed and watched the show. Cynthia snuggled against me like a litter of puppies. Since I was in my post orgasmic recuperation period I would rather not have been touched. But I let her have her way. I couldn’t complain after all.
Brigitte had taken it upon herself to serve me. She placed the glass at my lips and gently tipped it toward me. A look of quite awe on her face. She also had me eat popcorn out of her hands. I guess it was impossible to make popcorn sexy. We had to buy some grapes, or something, at the store.


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          Driving Ms. Sorenson


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