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Dungeon of Depraved Demons | msTyry | 10


You really want to help her, but you know nothing you do will break her curse. Only the defeat of the Demon Lord will end her madness.

“I’m sorry, really I am, but I need to get going.”

Hannah latches onto your leg with her free hand. “Please!” she screams. “Don’t leave me like this!”

You try desperately to shake her off, but this only causes her to squeeze tighter. She’s getting even more violent and you’re sure if you don’t get out now, she could do some serious harm.

“I know you don’t mean to hurt me,” you say quietly, “so I’m really sorry that I have to do this!” Suddenly, you kick her arm with all your might. You keep kicking, her arm showing signs of a new bruise. Yet, she still holds on. So you slap her face, working to stun her long enough for her to let go. Still nothing.

You go for another kick, but Hannah chooses that moment to pull on your leg, knocking you off balance. You land with an audible “whomp” on your back. Your vision gets a little fuzzy, but you keep kicking as hard as you can. Hannah finally manages to grab your other leg, leaving you defenseless from the waist down. You try to sit up, but your head is spinning too much that you can do nothing but lie there.

“Please don’t do this! I have to stop the Demon Lord.”

“No, dammit!” Hannah shouts. “You have to fuck me hard!”

Hannah crawls up your prone body. She tries to rip your jeans open and occasionally gropes your breast like a horny virgin bully—too hard and to fast. Your body aches, your head throbs, and you know that in her fury you have no way to stop her.

And then you catch a lucky break.

Hannah begins to spasm again, moaning and screaming loudly. It’s enough to wake you up enough to push her off you so you can scramble away. You crawl quickly toward the door where all your stuff is. Hannah continues to scream, as if she is being rocked by the greatest orgasm of her life (at least an 8.5 on the Richter scale). You stand quickly, grab your things, and push on the door. As luck would have it, the door is unlocked. You think for a second that this is a trap, but you push your fear to the side for the good of the mission.

You look back at Hannah. She is still moaning, but the worst seems to be over. Yet, she is still fondling herself on her way to another orgasm. This must be the crux of the curse: inability to find satisfaction and a burning need for it. A tear falls along your cheek at the thought of leaving her like this, but you have no choice.

“I’m so very sorry, but I have to keep going. I’ll come back as soon as possible.

You can’t tell if she heard you. If she did, she shows no sign. So you steel your resolve, face the door, and walk into the darkness of the cave.

Hannah continues to moan, but you no longer need to hear it as the doors slam shut on you, leaving you in total darkness. It’s absolutely silent, so your curse words at yourself for putting your flashlight at the very bottom of the bag ring out loud and clear. You go to dig in your bag for it when you feel the ground start to shake. Suddenly, it gives way and you start falling. You scream, but it only echoes in the darkness. With no idea were the walls are or what’s at the bottom, you can do nothing but fall and hope you don’t have a mess in your pants.


Will you survive the fall? What's at the bottom?

          A soft-ish landing


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