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XXX University | deathofcards | 3


You kind of wonder where the time went as it is now only ten minutes until your very first lecture at PSU. Searching your predecessor’s notes you know that you are meant to be teaching about eighteenth century Russian literature. From his syllabus you know it is meant to be about Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Apart from this you have not too much of an idea as to what to do, you are really are being plunged in at the deep end. Although this is slightly nerve racking, the possible rewards lift your spirits.

The only other thing you know is that your class are freshman. Thankfully you don’t have a senior class for two days. Nervously you open the door and step into the lecture hall. The room is what you would expect from a University lecture hall, three rows of tiered seating all looking down to your desk at the bottom level. Your desk is on a slightly raised level with a large black board behind it and a drop down projector screen above it. From what you have found out English lecture room three is actually the smallest lecture room.

Taking a deep breath to regain a little of your confidence, you stride over to where your desk is trying to be as casual about it as you can. Once there for the first time you survey the students in the classroom. You let out a little sigh of relief when you discover that there are only fourteen students in the class, eight males and six females.

“Hello every…” You are drowned out mid sentence as the classroom door slams open and shuts again quickly. You turn your attention to the latecomer an eighteen year old looking blonde girl. You take a moment to look her over in a little more detail, she has shoulder length hair with two braids on either side, and she is about five foot six or so. She has on a tight white spaghetti strap top and you can clearly tell she is not wearing a bra, she also has on a very short checked pink skirt, which barely covers anything. She gives you a quick smile and takes a seat near the front. She immediately begins to chat with the girl sat to right of her.

“I’ll try that again. I’m Professor Roberts and I’ll be your new English lecturer. Due to my rather immediate start I’m not fully up to date on the specifics of what you were covering. You’ll have to forgive me for that. I know that your previous lectures have been about classical Russian literature and this was meant to be on Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment”.

As you say this the latecomer breaks out into giggles “He’s just like Robinson I bet he can’t hack it either, he’s barely older than us” You overhear her whisper to her friend. Her friend elbows her into silence and the blonde quietens down.

“We were meant to be discussing Raskolnikoff’s actions and his redemption through the course of the book”. A tall red head in the back row answers.

“Thank you…?” You reply.

“Teresa, sir”. She replies.

“I covered Dostoyevsky during my own degree. I always found him pretty heavy going and to be honest Crime and Punishment isn’t the most uplifting of piece of literature. Still I’m not about to go against the syllabus”. You tell the class.

Your remarks cause several of them to laugh at your candour. “Okay here’s how I think the way we’ll do this is that we’ll discuss the novel as I would like to hear input from all of you. So who wants to go first?” You ask.

The discussion manages to get the room going and everyone gradually enters into the discussion. At first it is mainly Teresa and a few others but as it goes on they all start to have a proper involved discussion about the book. It also lets you get to know all the students names, the blonde latecomer in the front is called Leah. You get the impression that they are all warming to you quite quickly and you also gather that Professor Robinson’s methods were mostly to talk at the class at length, and the lecturer being interested in their opinions for once helps them open up.

Throughout the discussion you notice that Leah is trying to tease you throughout. Every so often she pouts at you or blows you kisses in an attempt to put you off. Being deeply involved in the debate you mostly manage to ignore her attention seeking. Leah begins to talk about the book but as she is doing so she spreads her legs slightly causing her skirt to ride up exposing the tiny pink thong she has on. Feeling she had scored a victory she closes her legs again.

Before you know it the class is almost over. “Well that didn’t go too badly, anyway for work before the next lecture I’d like you all to do a 1500 word write up of today’s discussion, and I guess next time I may have to do a lecture. Class dismissed, except you Leah I’d like you to remind behind for a chat” You explain, a look of shock crosses her face.

As the class clears out you turn to face Leah. “So I believed you said I wouldn’t be able to hack it”. You tell her, staring directly at her.

She tries to shy away from your gaze. “I errr guess I misjudged you…” She trails off clearly not expecting you to make an example of her.

“Please come up to my desk Leah, I think we need to discuss your behaviour in today’s class”. You say sternly.

She hesitates at first then slowly walks over to your desk standing on the opposite side of you. She looks at you nervously, clearly she never expected anything like this to happen.

“While I am fully aware of the liberal attitudes of this university, and I fully support this alternative approach to education. This doesn’t mean that behaviour like yours should be tolerated by staff members, I think a punishment is needed Leah in your case”. You tell her.


How do you punish Leah?

          A spanking


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