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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | moonblack | 5


“Well then, don’t just stand there – come in.” Cathy moved to the side, allowing her visitor to enter her room. Nervously Ellen stepped in and heard the door close behind her… then she heard the clicking of a key as Cathy locked the door. “There. Now no one is going to bother us.” The bleach blond said before going to her bed and sitting down. She then pointed with her finger to the floor before her. “Sit down here.” Hesitantly Ellen obeyed and sat down on the floor in front of the R.A.

“So, why are you here, Ellen?” Cathy asked, looking down at her visitor.

“I… I wanted to apologize…”

“No, you didn’t.” The other girl interrupted. “Come on, now, you think I’m that stupid? That’s not the reason you are here, and we both know it!”

“I…” Ellen began, and again was interrupted.

“Save your breath, girl. For you to come to me there must be a reason, but it certainly isn’t because you feel sorry for the way you and your roommate have treated me. No, there must be another reason, and the most obvious one is to buy some time, most likely for your roommate and your guest to sneak something in your room. Something that is against the rules, such as alcohol, for example.” Cathy paused, looking at the other girl’s face. Ellen tried to remain calm and pretend it was not so, but the RA had caught her unprepared, and her surprise showed on her reddening face. The bleach blond smiled. “I thought so. Well, you’re not the first, and you won’t be the last to try and distract me so that I don’t catch someone else doing something they are not allowed to.” Then a sly smile appeared on Cathy’s face. “But is this the only reason you're here, Ellen? Or is there something else you want from me?”

“I… I don’t… I…” Ellen stammered, unsure what was the other girl getting at.

“Perhaps there is another reason you came here, such as the desire for… intimacy… with a girl other than your roommate?”

“What? No, of course not! I’m not a lesbian!” Ellen said quickly… a bit too quickly.

“Oh? Is that what you tell yourself while you lick Amy’s cunt, or when she’s eating you out? Don’t bother denying it; I’ve seen the two of you in the showers when you think you are all alone.”

“I… I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not a lesbian!” Ellen repeated, but it didn’t sound very convincing.

“Oh, really? Is that why you brought a man in the dorm? To have sex with him and convince yourself you’re straight?”

“Of course not! I don’t need to convince myself of anything. For the last time I’m not a lesbian!”

“That didn’t sound very convincing, Ellen. You keep repeating you are not a lesbian, but who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?” Cathy slowly licked her lips with her tongue while looking at the other girl’s eyes. Ellen wanted to answer, but no words would come out of her suddenly dry throat. “You may not be a lesbian, but you aren’t straight either. You are bi, Ellen, you just refuse to admit it even to yourself.”

“No… I…”

“You are bi. It’s OK, many girls are bi, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, Ellen. Just admit it and accept it.” Cathy got off the bed and set down on the floor in front of her guest before continuing. “Like I said I have seen you and Amy together in the showers. I have also seen you look at me and several other girls when you think we can’t see you, staring at our naked bodies with lust-filled eyes. Remember when a couple of days ago you were leaving the showers, I was just going in, my towel fell to the floor and I bent over to pick it up?” Ellen just nodded briefly. “I did that on purpose. I knew you were watching me, and I wanted you to see my ass and pussy.” Cathy took Ellen’s face in her hands. “I did it just for you, my beautiful Ellen. I want you, and I know that you want me too, you’re just afraid to admit it.” Cathy then leaned forward and kissed Ellen on lips…


What will be Ellen’s reaction to Cathy’s advances? Will she go along with it, or try to resist?

          Ellen tries to resist…


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