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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | Imhotep | 4


When Erin asked for her things, her bag with all her belongings, her passport, phone, ect. She was denied, and told to be quiet. After a few minutes the guard sitting in the front beside the driver told Erin and Kristen that they would hold their passports, but they rest of their belongings were gone, and had been distributed to the people.

Kristen looked at Erin, and her eyes welled up with tears. “We’re going to prison!” she sobbed, her chin falling to her chest. The road was dusty and bumpy, and the blonde’s head bobbed with each bump.

“We’ll get out of this somehow.” Erin tried to reassure her, but Erin had no idea how the two young women would get out of their predicament. She glanced back to the front of the van, and saw that the driver was staring at her in the rear view mirror. He looked much like a predator assessing its prey. The guard in the passenger seat looked back and forth between the redheaded Australian, and the blonde Swede, and said something in his native tongue to the driver, and they both laughed loudly.

The drive lasted about an hour from the customs house to the prison. It was small, dirty and crumbling. Erin guessed that it had probably been built when Lamumba had been a French colony. As they walked through the gates, their hands and feet shackled, Kristen cried loudly, and the men at the front gate mocked her.

“You going to get to know us all very well here, ay, little girl.” said a man with corporal’s stripes on his sleeve.

They were led into an office, and the both of them stood before and empty desk with various stacks of papers, manuals and forms arranged on it. The room was tidy, if run down. “This is the commander’s office. He will know what to do with you.” The man who had been driving said as he unlocked their shackles and handcuffs. Continuing to talk the man ran his hand over Erin's ass, and squeezed. Erin said nothing, acting as if he’d do nothing out of the ordinary.

“Do you know if we will be given warm clothes for the night? Kristen and I are hardly dressed for the cool evenings you have here. Both the young women were dressed in t-shirts and shorts in addition to tennis shoes. Neither of the women were wearing bras. Erin could see Kirsten’s nipples standing at attention under her dirty pastel blue t-shirt.

“The commander will tell you everything you need to know! Both of you stand here, and keep your mouth closed!” The door slammed behind the two frightened young women, and they looked at each other as the stood in front of the desk.

“What do we do?” Kirsten whispered

“Whatever we have to, to get out of here and survive.”

A second or so later, a door opened behind the desk, and in walked a tall, thin black man in a dark green uniform full of ribbons. He stopped and surveyed the two women, walking over and standing in front of them. A slight smile formed on his lips. “ I am Major Fredrick Magumbo, you two and I, we are going to be spending a lot of time together. You will be my primary source of entertainment.”

He walked back behind the desk and sat down, said something in his language on a speaker, and then said, The very first thing I would like you to do is….”


What does the Major want?


          greet your new master



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