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BimboTech Fanfic | JLBarnett | 7


Bright flood lights suddenly sprang up, nearly blinding Fred and Cordelia. A man stepped towards them along with several figures.

As their vision cleared they realzed all the women were wearing black latex shorts, chokers and police hats. One breast on each was pierced with a badge.

The women strode forward and grabbed them. "You're like under arrest for tres-tres um bein'g someplace you ain's s'posed ta be and ins-sufic-cient titties."

Cordelia's eyes widened at the voice. "Kate!"

"Like my name's Cunt Lustly. Bimbotech Security."

Fred and Cordelia broke away, but the bimbos all reached for their belts.

"Watch it Fred, they've got pepper spray."

"That's not pepper spray," the man assured.

Cordy and Fred were ingulfed in clouds of pink and both swayed on their feet.

"I feel yummy," Fred tittered.

"Tha smells good. Like where can I by some?" Cordy moaned

"It's not for sale. But you'll feel like that all the time once you become a Bimbotech girl."

Cordelia and Fred were led to the cells, not resisting a bit.


What happens to Fred and Cordy?

          Lilah relays instructions


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