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The Tale of Castle Kaltenbach | alpha-xeta | 5


Gaspare and Giordano, two soldiers who had recently graduated from the royal academy, were sent to guard the stronghold here. They were bored out of their minds, sitting around drinking cheap ale and playing cards. Fortunately three guardsmen came into the quarters and relieved them of their boredom, they were to escort the high bishop to church on this fair morning.

"Finally, I've been cramped in this blasted dungeon for too long, I don't think I've seen a barmaid in three weeks."

"Maybe we can slip a drink of the good stuff in while the holy man gives his lecture" Giordano laughed.

The two shoddy guards roared like drunken sailors as they neared their target. They sobered up some and became fierce monsters. They were wearing light chain and dagger as opposed to being fully out fitted. They felt that the hot armor they had was too much for such a simple job, but the bishop commanded it.

Clinking filled the halls and then Gaspare thought he heard a scream. He brushed it off but then heard what seemed to be the bishop calling for help. The guards puffed to the source and found a young maid looking at them frightened. An old cur laid on his back pretending like he was an over-turned tortoise.

"Somebody help me up! That blasted wench attacked me!"

The armed guards reluctantly lifted the old man up and awaited his orders.

"She's a devil I tell you!" he kept going on.

Giordano grabbed the maid by the wrist and pulled her off.

"About your escort sir--" Gaspare questioned.

"Take that filth away from me! Do not worry I will have Di Alberto and Basso escort me to church on sunday! Make sure to lock up her up! Make her suffer!"


"Go! I'll take care of myself,"

Now Gaspare was angry, he hadn't even seen day light for what seemed eons. He was out of patience and needed to avenge his loss. That girl would indeed suffer. Suffer she will.

Gaspare caught up and informed Giordano of the situation. Giordano was more forgiving, but his semi-drunkenness ignited a smolder of hatred to the girl. Gaspare made his intentions known to his companion and he had no objections. They would have their way with the girl before stopping at the dungeon.

As the sullen maid dragged herself across the stone floor she attempted to reason with herself in vain. While her resistance was justified she felt nothing but anguish and self loathing toward herself. She had sinned and worst of all to the only man that could forgive her!

Giordano tugged at her arm, signaling they were stopping. She looked up.

"This... is the dungeon?" she stammered.

It was a large regal bedroom decorated lavishly. She recognized it as a room she cleaned when she first arrived at the manor. Gaspare bound her wrists behind her. Long silken sheets he had wrapped around her frail flesh. The man kicked her square in the back and she fell face down on the lavish bed. The lash hurt her significantly, but she put up with it. She assumed this was her first punishment for her nefarious deed.

"If it will abolish my sins then let it be so," she muttered under the pain.

Gaspare made several blows to her back with his hands, releasing his anger on her. Yet he was not satisfied. He had pounded her more than she could take and he just wasn't able to quench his thirst for vengeance. He looked at Giordano who admired the girl's form from his view. While Gaspare split her spine, the long cotton maid's uniform had crept up her long creamy legs. Giordano admired her shapely ass, which was adorned with a blinding-white cloth.

"What's your name pretty?" Giordano finally opened his mouth.

"L-Lili," she stammered.

"It will be over soon," he smiled.

She was totally ignorant of the man's vantage and position, she innocently laid there with her ass in the air. Her dress now failed to cover any of its coveted flesh. Then she felt it. Lili cried out as frigid steel touched her sensitive flesh. It cut right through her home-spun panties.

"W-what're you doing!?" she cried out.

Gaspare stared into her now visible folds and lusted more than he had when he first got a glimpse at her bosom. Giordano had already slid his chain and cloth pants down to his thighs, revealing a full erect penis. Lili had never even seen a penis before, she had assumed they had a vagina like women. While her view was obstructed she could make out the man's form and gazed at it in awe.

Brandishing his spear the guard neared her pink folds.

"You're going to like this," he smiled.

Amazingly, the guard's abomination annihilated her virginity in 1 stroke. She writhed in agony and struggled to move her bounded arms. Giordano sat in her for a moment, he didn't enjoy to hear young girls scream. He was not that cruel.

The pain faded for now.

While Giordano had his way with the girl Gaspare had taken the opportunity to remove his leggings. The girl's sweet face looked over at him confused. The guard had begun to stroke his penis, his hand ran up and down it so fast it was a blur. Then Giordano resumed pistoning, slowly at first, he rammed his meat in and out of her. The feeling was dull at first, but then she felt his penis ram straight into a sensitive part of her "area". She began to moan and wonder if this was really torture.

"How could this obscure ritual be some sort of punishment?" she pondered.

Controlled by her hormones she lusted for more and soon she had it, the man thrusted at her as fast as his scrawny legs could muster. The force rammed her body against the bed, and the soldier had to crawl up onto it to remain inside of her. He lifted her leg up and proceeded to grind his hips against hers. Giordano pounded at her and she could feel her body tense. Each thrust was like being pricked by a thousand miniature bees with dull stingers. The maid then heard the man moan and say something totally incoherent.

"Ughh, Lili I'm coming!"

"Ya-ya-you're commmiing?" she panted.

She felt the man's meat spasm slightly and then a rush of hot liquid poured into her. The force of the blast finished her and she came. She moaned heavily and passed out. Only to have her face covered in white slosh seconds later.


Lili awoke hours later in the dungeon she was originally prescribed to, her clothes were untainted, but she felt a freezing draft all along her underside as she sat on the cold stone floor.

As if on queue, a maid walked by and took in her pathetic form. Lili knew that girl. Her name was Sonja and it seemed she didn't like Lili for some reason, even though she never said it to her face. Sonja was probably around Lili's age and a red-head too but she was rather skinny and nowhere near as pretty or popular among the men as her, now imprisoned, co-worker.

"That's what you get! Serves you right!" the freckle-faced girl laughed.


"I heard you moaning and screaming in there! I knew you were a slut!"

"A what?"

"You don't even know what I'm talking about?! You're a miserable pile of whore!" she spat.

Lili sat there, speechless. She felt tears welling in her eyes as she wondered why this girl was saying such awful things.


What was Sonja there for?

          She was there to 'entertain' herself.

          Sonja was there with a strange plan.


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