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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 24ward | 3


Erin and Kristen are able to clear customs without much of an incident. One of the customs officers eyes them suspiciously as they pass, but when he sees Ntombe he does nothing.

The moment they exit the airport, a blast of the heat nearly knocks them backwards. The girls recoil momentarily at the grime and chaos of the African city. They climb into the back seat of a car with Ntombe, and he directs the driver in his language.

The girls exchange a smile. "Good thing we have a local guide, hey?" Erin whispers to her friend and they share an appreciative smile.

The girls stare in amazement out of the window as their car careens through the crowded streets of the capital city. They gasp at the squalor they see. But most overwhelming to the girls is the seeming endless supply of Africans going about their meagre lives.

The girls start to fidgit in the uncomfortable back seat. Sweat beads on their foreheads and in their cleavage in the sweltering heat. Fortunately, the car takes them away from the dirty city and up into the hills, towards what seems like the houses of the ruling elite.

The girls are pleased to see their taxi stop in front of one of the most dazzling mansions they have seen, up atop a hill overlooking the city.

They climb out of the back seat and stretch. A butler comes out of the house and gathers their baggage.

"You are welcome here," Ntombe says. "This is my family's home."

They are shown inside to their bedchambers, located next door to one another. The view from their windows is amazing. The girls do not notice that the doors lock from the outside.

They decide to relax and enjoy themselves at the home of their hosts. They ignore the noise of gunfire in the distance.


What happens next?

          Go for a swim

          Porno shoot


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