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Waking Up | Zigurat | 12


“I’m impressed, Candi,” I said, pushing the small plate away from me. “I don’t think I’ve even made a grilled cheese sandwich that good.”

“Thanks,” my stepmother said softly, sipping at a spoonful of tomato soup. “It’s – something of a family recipe, I suppose.”

“Before you met father?” She nodded slowly.

“I had to eat something,” Candi said. “When I was just starting work, I didn’t have too much money, but I did find ways to spice up my life.”

“Thanks mother,” Antoinette said, her spoon clinking in her bowl. “After all that’s been happening recently, a simple, home-cooked meal is enjoyable.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” her mother said, twirling her spoon in the remains of her soup. “With all the, um, adjusting we’ve been doing lately, I was wondering why you were here. You didn’t call ahead and tell me, uh, us that you were going to visit, and it is a weekday, when you should have been at work, so…”

“I, I lost my job,” Antoinette said weekly.

“How?” Candi asked, her tone stricter.

“I, I c, can’t say,” Antoinette stammered. “N, not in f, front of e, everyone.”

“Go ahead and tell her,” I said. “Better to get it out now and face the embarrassment. Besides we’d find out sooner or later, and it’s always better to face the music as soon as possible.” Candi stared at me, her hazel eyes wide with astonishment.

“Well, I, uh, was fired cause I wouldn’t, um, p, put out,” the elder stepsister said, flustered at explaining what had happened. “My boss, sh, she discovered how I had r, risen in the c, company and wanted me to l, lick her p, pussy, and when I w, wouldn’t she fired me.”

“Couldn’t you have sued for sexual harassment?” Brigitte asked, astonished at her sister’s behavior.

“No,” Antoinette shook her head. “Be, because I had sucked off previous s, supervisors for promotions and r, raises.”

“Why didn’t you just put your tongue to work on her?” Candi said waspishly. “What would it have hurt?”

“I, I’m no l, lesbian,” her eldest daughter stammered.

“So? You’d rather lose your job? Does everyone expect me to be the only one to work around here? Brigitte may be able to get an internship tomorrow, but neither Samuel nor Cynthia will be able to work. After all, it’s less than three months before they start their senior year of high school, and they have to think of college after that! They’ll be considering majors and visiting campuses summer long. I’ll be taking time off over the next few months for traveling, to help your brother and sister! How can you do this to us?”

Now it was my turn to stare at Candi in astonishment. I never suspected that she actually cared about how I would survive in the world. With everything I had been learning about our family, I was beginning to suspect that something was, well, going on.

“I’m sorry,” Antoinette sobbed, tears leaking from her eyes. “I, I’ll find something. I’m s, sure of it.”

“Well you better,” Candi snapped. She glanced at me, an evil look suddenly in her eyes.

“What do you think, Master?” she said sarcastically. “What do you have to say about this?”

“Well,” I said, annoyed at my stepmother’s tone. “I do agree with you that Antoinette will need a job if she wants to stay here. We are a family and we will help each other.” Antoinette smiled at me through her tears.

“However,” I continued. “I do understand that you understand best our financial situation. As the rest of the week settles out and we adjust to the new arrangements, the two of us will need to sit down and discuss money.”

“Fine,” Candi grumped. “Does this mean I’ll have to sleep in your bed now?”

“Of course, not,” I rolled my eyes. “Although I may not be sleeping there either, you are still the principal breadwinner. You do need a proper night’s rest, so your bed is still yours. For the moment, I don’t think we need to make any drastic changes around here.”

“Does this mean I have to keep this vibrator stuffed up my ass?” my stepmother sighed. Cynthia giggled.

“I guess not,” I smiled, activating the remote. Goosed, Candi sat up straight with a yelp, her face contorted with discomfort. I turned it off; she frowned at me.

“Just to ask, before it’s removed,” I said. “Are you feeling any pleasure whatsoever with it in you?”

“Some,” Candi admitted, blushing. “Just a little. Can you please take it out?”

“How about after you and Antoinette wash and put away the dishes?”

“We have a dishwasher.”

“You always had me wash them by hand,” I gave her a level look.

“Okay,” my stepmother sighed, standing up. “C’mon, Antoinette, let’s get to work. The sooner this is done, the sooner my ass will feel better.”

“As for you two,” I said to my other stepsisters. “Was the family room ever aired out?”

“No,” Cynthia shook her head. “You called Antoinette upstairs, remember? I was going to have her take care if it and if she’s washing dishes…”

“Then I guess you and Brigitte will clean it out then,” I said.


“I’m the Master, as you should recall, and for now we all need to help out.”

“What about you?” Brigitte smirked.

“Tomorrow is trash day,” I smiled, standing up. My brunette stepsister frowned.

The doorbell rang, filling the sudden silence.

“Don’t just sit there,” I said, looking down on Brigitte’s pouting face. “Answer the door.”


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