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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 24ward | 3


Donje works as an immigration officer at the airport in the capital city. He hates his job. He gets paid next to nothing and works very long hours. He can't wait for the revolution to begin and sweep away this corrupt colonial regime.

His dreary day takes an immediate turn for the better when he is approached by a beautiful young white woman. She is wearing her blonde hair in a braid. Her clothes are rumpled from a long flight on a poor airline. She has her knapsack slung over her shoulders, and despite a slight frame large breasts protrude prominently from her chest.

She smiles brightly and hands over her passport. It's Swedish and identifies the girl as "Kristen Jensen". Donje looks it over closely and shakes his head sadly. "Please come with me."

She follows him reluctantly into an office. He motions over for a couple of other guards to join him.

The enter the private office and he motions for Kristen to take a seat in front of the desk. She sets her pack down and seats in the chair miserably. He shows the passport to one of the guards as the other folds his arms across his rifle and glares at her menacingly.

She begins to plead and Donje shakes his head. "Miss, is this a stolen passport?"

"No!" she insists.

"Do not lie to us, young lady. You do not look like this woman in the picture. Or is it fake? Yes, I think it is fake."

Yunkre, the man holding her passport, nods in agreement and slips it into his pocket. "Yes, if it is stolen or fake it must be confiscated as evidence for your prosecution."

Kristen begins to rise in protest, but the man with the rifle, nicknamed Pecs, steps forward and points his rifle at the college student. She retreats against the wall, trembling and terrified.

"She is making hostile moves," Pecs observes. "Search her for weapons."

Donje grabs her roughly and throws her against the wall. He presses himself against her and grabs her breasts roughly. "What is this? Contraband?" he snarls and tears her blouse open and off of her. Kristen feels his swelling cock pressing against her behind and whimpers helplessly.

"You will die in prison, white girl," Donje growls into her ear as he turns her around and looks into her wide blue eyes. "You will get AIDs within the hour, and within the day you will be murdered if you haven't become completely obedient."

Her eyes well with tears. "Please, I don't want that," Kristen begs.

Pecs smirks. "I think you understand your situation," he says.


What happens next?

          Kristen will earn freedom

          Get a job!


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