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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 24ward | 3


Brooke and Debbie recoil slightly as the crowd of African men surges forward towards them. The crowd is boisterous but well-behaved. Some men produce paper for autographs. Others want to pose for photographs with the beauty queen. Brooke obligingly indulges her fans. Debbie remains wary, noticing a couple of scowling soliders nearby looking on behind mirrored sunglasses.

After a few moments, Njau steps in and the women are led to their car. As they get underway, Njau explains that it's best to interact with locals and not appear too distant.

"That was fun!" Brooke exclaims.

Andre drives them to the Hotel Occidental, the fancy five-star hotel in the heart of the capital city. The girls check into their room, a three-room presidential suite.

"Wow, presidential suite!" Brooke enthuses. The hotel manager explains that usually it is reserved for high-ranking foreign diplomats of heads of state, but that they aren't visiting Lamumba these days. The girls don't think to ask why.

The room is very nice and provides a nice view of the city. They notice that there are tanks driving down the main boulevard. It's night, so the girls decide to make it an early night. Brooke will sleep in one room, Debbie in another, while Njau will stay in the third.

The girls go to sleep, even though gunfire occasionally erupts in the night. Then, near dawn, Debbie hears what she thinks is the front door to the suite opening. She climbs out of bed and puts on a robe over her nude body and opens the door to her room.


What is happening?

          It's Brooke

          A man in a suit

          Brooke's nighttime horror


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