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Paint the Town | jbman69 | 8


It is said that men love so they can get sex and women have sex so they can get loved. Well, the ball was in her court. I knew what I wanted but I had to play the game to get there. The trick was to play the right game and I knew I might have to do things with her that I didn’t particularly want to do. I wasn’t all that hungry and didn’t want to spend a lot of time sitting around waiting for her to eat so we went to the deli she had suggested. I just got some coffee and she got a sandwich. While she ate her sandwich we got into some small talk. I discovered that she was really quite intelligent. She had a great sense of humor and even though my sense of humor was dry and obscure she found it very entertaining. She was able to quickly understand the punch line of even my most obscure statements and I had to work harder to stump her. This turned into a contest of who could stump who and we laughed almost uncontrollably at times. We spent a lot longer at the deli than I had figured we would because of our sparring with each other. Then as if a switch had been flipped she became dead serious. It was a bit unnerving because I wasn’t sure if she was just joking or not. It caught me off balance and her gaze seemed to search my soul and her questions like arrows pierced my very being. She had caught me so off guard that I answered her questions and revealed things that I generally would have skirted and deflected. I felt exposed and naked. When she finished she smiled and thanked me for my honesty. She then shifted again and said, “lets go shopping”

And just like that she was up and off to the car. The sparring and probing was over and we returned to small talk. I really don’t like shopping, but she dragged me in and made me wait while she tried on outfit after outfit. The nice part about this was that the outfits she chose to try on were very complimentary to her and at times very revealing and sexy. I relished each time she came bouncing out of the dressing room. In one store the dressing room opened out into the main store. When she went into the dressing room she had not closed it all the way and from where I was standing I was able to watch her as she changed. She kept her back to me and pulled off the outfit she had just tried on and stood there wearing only her panties. She had folded her arms across her chest and turned to the side. Her hands covered her breasts and she turned her head and looked at me. I grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She grinned and raised her index finger and wagged it while she shook her head at me and mouthed the words, “you naughty little boy”, but she never closed the door. I moved closer for a better look. She was careful to keep her back towards me, but every time she went back into the dressing room she left the door open. At the last store we went to I walked around while she finished up and when she was done she found me in the lingerie section looking at the naughty night wear. She grabbed my arm and pulled saying, “let’s go, I’m all done.”


Where do we go from here?

          Let's go to the spa


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