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Paint the Town | jbman69 | 6


As I pondered what she had just said I wondered who was the predator and who was the prey in this little game of cat and mouse. At this particular time I felt she had been playing with me and had me by the tail. However, I didn’t really care because I was looking for a good time and finding someone this early in the day meant more of the day would be spent in enjoyment rather than frustration, and besides this lady was beautiful, sensuous, and most importantly, willing.

I started to put my key in the ignition when she reached out and touched my hand,

“Wait just a moment.” She said. “Let’s talk.”

“OK, I said and pulled my hand back and turned slightly in my seat towards her.

She started, “I’ve been chasing you and you’ve been chasing me. We are obviously attracted to each other and if I’m not mistaken are both anticipating a pleasurable time together. I don’t want to spend any more time trying to guess where we are with each other. I can certainly stop at this point and find something else to do if you are not willing or committed to make this an exciting experience. Do you have any questions, comments or concerns at this time?”

Wow, I’ve never had any woman talk to me like that. She is obviously in control at this time and I don’t want to be a patsy. This lady is really spirited and that excites me but I can’t let her have this much control. I jumped in without hesitation.

“Anjie”, you have just blown me away. You are obviously a woman who knows what she wants, but I’m not interested in domination. I’m a competitive person and your forwardness intrigues me, but if you want to control this situation you can get out of my car right now.”

She interrupted me before I could say another word, “You’ve certainly piqued my interest. I play to win but in this game it has to be win-win. Submission in a man nauseates me.” She paused, looked down at her hands as if she were contemplating and then began to speak again. As she did so she looked back up at me with intensity. “There are a few simple rules. I’ve got a lot to give but there is a price. You pay the price, you get the goods, capite?”

Before she could get another word out I sprang towards her grabbing her right breast with my left hand and attaking her mouth with a passionate kiss. She didn’t flinch nor resist the advance. In fact, she placed her left hand on top of my hand on her breast and opened her mouth inviting my tongue into her, then pushing her tongue past the barrier and deep into my mouth. Before I could make any further advances she moved took her left hand from mine and placed in on my chest and gently pushed me off. At the same time she broke contact with the kiss. With her eyes closed and her respirations quickened she said, “I think we understand each other completely.” My hand was still on her breast and she had no bra on. Her nipple had become hard and erect and I could feel her heart pounding under my palm. She continued, “Round one has just been played and I think we both won. Now lets go have some fun. Just remember that to get what you want you are going to have to play hard. I don’t give in easily, you will have to win it and I’m certainly not going to lose in this game.”

I removed my hand from her breast and sat back. “How do you know I just won’t take what I want?”

She replied, “first off, you are not that type. If you had been we would never have had this conversation. Second, if you choose that course just remember there is a price to pay and you don’t even want to go there. Besides we are going to paint this town red and when we are done we will both have gotten our moneys worth and if it goes well, we might do it again.


Are you willing to pay the price or do you end it here?

          I’m going for it.


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