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Trolling for Babes: | gunde | 3


One could think that being a troll and having the bad reputation that comes with it would be a bad thing, but Grendel had other plans.
During one of his many sessions alone with himself up in the mountains, Grendel had come up with an ingenious plan, especially if one considers the complexity and depth of the average Troll plan.
He would to at first talk to the human girls he would run into, knowing that they would be so positively surprised at him not raping them that he would have a good chance of getting some anyway.
So, in accordance to his grand scheme, Grendel simply offered his hand to the girl, helping her up off the ground, brushing some of the grass off her clothes.
"There we go. Now, how about you sit down and conduct your chores while I stand here, so we can chat a bit?" Grendel revealed the most innocent smile that he could muster.
"Uh...alright." Maeve answered, resuming the milking of the cows while Grendel began talking to her about all sorts of things.
They talked for the half-an-hour that it took Maeve to finish milking the cows, Grendel making sure of doing two things: to stay pleasant and calm, and to give the poor girl a few brief glimpses of his rather hardened cock.
"So...I suppose it's time for you to go back to the house?" Grendel asked.
"Yes, but I am to go fishing after lunch, at a small lake not far from here. You could keep me company if you wanted to." Maeve answered him, her face reddening slightly.
"I would be delighted to do so!"
Obviously relieved, Maeve gave Grendel a road-description, and then began walking towards the house, looking back over her shoulder every few seconds.
"And the fish swallowed the bait." Grendel said to himself as he watched Maeve's round ass disappear into the house.

Quickly moving to the lake, Grendel stripped naked and leaped into it, partly because his father had told him that human girls don't like it when manly Trolls smell too manly, and partly because he wanted to catch some fish for Maeve.
It took him a while to get used to water in the lake, since it was not like that in the underwater ponds back up in the mountains, but he soon got the hang of it.
When Maeve showed up, Grendel had already captured a half-dozen fishes, and lay resting on a rock, still naked.
Maeve's jaw nearly popped loose from her face when she saw his naked form, and she dropped her basket to the ground.
"Hello Maeve. I took the liberty of catching a few fishes for you."
"T...thank you." Maeve could only stutter as Grendel walked closer to her.
"You're welcome. Now, how do feel about learning the Troll way of fishing?"
Maeve smiled again, her flawless teeth highlighted by the rays of sun that reached down through the canopy.
"That would be nice." She said after a few seconds.
"Good! Now the first you should do is to get out of those clothes."
Maeve quickly did as she was told, tossing of her tunic and her pants, standing naked in front of Grendel, who found her naked body very appealing.
So appealing in fact, that he didn't know if he would be capable to restrain himself a minute longer.
Caught of guard by his silence, Maeve stood in front of Grendel and waited for him to say something, breathing heavily.
As she did, her full, round tits heaved alluringly.
The sight of them would definitely soon drive Grendel into a frenzy.
He had to restrain himself!


Does he succeed, or does he cave in?

          He controls himself, mostly


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