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Buffy- Andrew | JLBarnett | 19


Xander entered the house Anya was in. The door sealed behind him. They wouldn't exit until she was his.

"Xander? Thank god it's you. Can we get out of here now?"

"Nope, we can't get out, but I had to come see you."

"That's sweet but stupid."

Xander scowled. "You know, Anya, since we're stuck here, I can think of some things we can do." He leaned forward and kissed her savagely.

"Stay away from me!" Dawn screamed.

"Now, now girl, you don't have to worry. I'm not here to hurt you. In fact Buffy's asked me to see you."

Andrew stared at Buffy. The nude Slayer was standing right in front of him.

"I don't believe this. FIrst WIllow now you."

"Willow offered herself to you? She took my advice, I'm so proud of her."

"And you'll do anything I want."



What now?


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