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XXX University | deathofcards | 2


Ignoring the sight at the campus steps you head inside the university. As you enter the building you feel slightly daunted by stepping foot onto the premises for what is the first time. Your interview was actually conducted off campus, as you were pretty much headhunted by the university. This seemed very strange to you as you are barely a few years out of university education yourself and at the time you were doing assistant teaching work. You consider the fact that surely you were not the first or even the most suitable applicant for the position as you are going to be teaching English at a degree standard. The final point that adds to the mystery is that at this point it is already a month and a half into a semester, and you would have thought that they would have already had a lecturer at this point.

You swallow hard and get your first look at the hall of the main building of the campus. The hall is a very spacious three-storey room, designed in a style, which very much reminds of you of late nineteenth century English architecture. Contrasting the look however is the reception desk in front of you, which looks like it came straight out of an IKEA catalogue. Sat behind the desk is a fairly young looking receptionist. She has black hair, with red highlights and has very cute youthful look to her.

Eventually you decide to head over to the reception desk, as you are here for a reason and are meant to be starting work today, you figure standing around idling might not make you too popular with the rest of the staff. As you approach the desk the receptionist looks up at you and a sexy smile cross her lips. She’s wearing a tight blue halter neck top and a short black skirt. Through her top you can see her small but perky breasts pressed against the material.

“Oh hi you must be James Roberts”. She says in a very sexy French-Canadian accent. As she says it you notice she appears to be checking you out.

You put this observation aside for the moment. “Yeah that would be me. I’m James the new English teacher. This is my first day and to be honest I’m a little overwhelmed, I’m not even sure where I’m meant to be going”. You reply.

She smiles that sexy smile again. “That’s okay, even gets a little nervous during their first time. Before anything else the Dean wanted to speak to you, I think she wants to do an induction with you, give the low-down on the uni, so to speak” She tells you.

Hers words are some relief. “That’s good as all I got was a letter telling my I had the job, directions and a date. My entire life’s pretty much in my car, all of this is pretty much new territory for me. Where is the Dean’s office?” You ask, unsure why you’re telling this girl all of that.

“Well everything’s pretty quiet around here I’ll take you over there”. She answers getting up from the desk. “Oh I’m Cherie by the way”.

Cherie heads over to a set of double doors at the back of the hall on the right hand side. As you follow her you cannot help but check out her ass. She swings it from side to side as she walks. You notice for the first time how tight her skirt is, and you are certain that she cannot be wearing panties underneath it. You get the impression that Cherie could be quite a fun girl to get to know. She leads you through the doors to a corridor that turns to the right after about fifty yards. On the way you pass the faculty lounge. Eventually Cherie leads you to a door near the end of the corridor that is clearly marked Dean’s office.

“Well here we are, the Dean has been looking forward to meeting you. I hope you you’re going to stay. Well I’d better get back to work”. Cherie says with a pout.

You watch her for a moment as you heads off back down the corridor, checking out that beautiful ass again before she goes out of sight. You take a quick breath and knock on the door to the Dean’s office. After a moment you hear a woman’s voice call out enter. You open the door slowly, still a little nervous and step into the Dean’s office. The office is what you would expect from a university office, bookcases lining the back wall and several filing cabinets. On the wall opposite to you are two very large windows showing off the wonderful vistas of the college campus. In the distance you can see the tall hedges that line the campus walls.

Facing away from the windows is the Dean’s desk, a traditional old style wooden desk and also traditionally cluttered in paperwork. The Dean is seated behind the desk. As you enter she looks up at you a slight grin cross her face for a second but soon fades. The Dean is a blonde haired woman in her mid to late forties, she has a rounded face accentuated with strong cheekbones and dark brown eyes. She also has on an alluring red lipstick.

“Please Mr Roberts, take a seat”. She gestures to an empty chair in front of her desk. You quickly take a seat.

“Please call me James”. You reply.

She smiles again “And you may call me Elizabeth, James. I would like to welcome you to Pedar Sonville University. I would gather you probably have a fair amount of questions regarding your appointment that is of course that if you are willing to undertake the position. There would be no ill will held on the University’s part if that is not the case”. She replies.

“No, no I’m very eager to take the job. It’s not every day I’m offered a position of tenure at such a prestigious place”. You tell her happily.

Elizabeth laughs a little. “You already have the job James there is no need for flattery. There are several elements of the University, which need explaining however. You see Pedar Sonville is a very liberal place of education, in fact there are few places like it elsewhere in America. We encourage things that… shall we say other places of education take more of a frown to”. She informs you.

“How so?” You ask, as you are still in the dark.

“As I suspected you still have questions. I will start with the origins of our university. You see despite our prestige PSU is only a forty year old organisation, having been set up in the sixties by the late Pedar Sonville”. She explains, gesturing to something behind you.

You turn your head to look at painting of a slightly overweight naked but not particularly attractive man. Noticing your reaction Elizabeth laughs again. “While certainly not a man of major aesthetic qualities, Pedar was a man of great vision. He was foremost a swinger and believed that a University that embraced the tenements of swinging, could be an education establishment that would achieve great results. While most scoffed and saw it as a cheap method of getting laid, some believed in Pedar’s vision. He was a man of considerate wealth, and other likeminded people also invested in his dream”. Elizabeth continues to explain.

Currently you are a little shocked at what you have just been told. Noticing your reaction Elizabeth still continues. “In 1966 Pedar first opened the doors of the organisation, his students were mostly the children of his investors. Of course the main agenda of the University was kept secret from the public. But with his ideals firmly in mind, Pedar achieved great results, and as such in the year of sixty-seven the student populace grew nearly tenfold”. Continued Elizabeth.

You finally manage to recover your voice. “So basically the students are encouraged to fuck as many people as possible and as much as they can?” You exclaim.

“Well that would be the bluntest way of stating it, but yes. The main ideology of this University is to allow the students to experience life in ways they mostly would not have done before. Sex is not the only thing of course, however several of the mandatory subjects are centered on these interactions. We are also tolerant of the student body experimenting with minor drugs, of course class A substances are an major offence, which will be met with immediate expulsion”. She explains.

“This does sound like a very interesting place. This does of course bring a few questions to mind, what is the view on student and teacher relationships? And what about safe sex?” You ask coming round to the idea quite quickly.

“Points I thought we would get to eventually. Obviously relations are going to occur between faculty members and students, while not actively encouraged it is neither discouraged. In regards to safe sex all female students and members of staff are required to take birth control, contraceptives are made readily available, and all students and staff are checked for STD’s once a month”. Elizabeth tells you. “I would assume from this you are accepting the position?” She asks you.

“Certainly, however I am intrigued about my appointment”. You reply.

“Another question I thought you would ask. Essentially, your predecessor a Mr Robinson, a gentleman far older than yourself retired because basically he considered the position too stressful. You can read into that what you will”. She answered.

“Also As part of your position you will receive tenure and within the first three years of the job you will be expected to publish at least one paper, the subject is of your choosing however. You also have a house on campus if you require it, but accommodation is also readily available within the city. There are obvious rules regarding behaviour off campus, we are seen as a respectable if slightly liberal organisation. Hence, the hedges you can behave as you see fit within the walls. You also have an office on the within your department. You will also be required to oversee various University activities, due to your later start than the other faculty members your choices might be more limited this semester”. She tells you.

“Where can I get a copy of my timetable?” You ask.

“A copy of your scheduled lectures should be in your office, unfortunately I would have liked you to have had a day to align yourself with your new surroundings however you do have one lecture scheduled for this afternoon.

“That’s fine, I’m actually quite looking forward to doing my first lecture. I’m still wondering why I was offered this position?” You ask.

“Well your credentials spoke for themselves. Basically we feel that younger teachers find it easier to adjust to working in such an environment, as older teachers are more rigid in their views of education”.

“I can see myself adapting quite well. I’m guessing aside from this the establishment is pretty much the same as any other University?” You ask.

“Yes to all extents and purposes, we have fraternities and sororities and various sporting teams just like any other university, apart from our more liberal attitudes we our mostly the same”. She responds

“I am curious though how exactly you ended up at this organisation?” You ask her.

Elizabeth smiles again and licks her lips slightly. “I originally I was a student her back in 1976. My time her made me want to become a teacher. I took a teaching job here a few years after my graduation”. She replies.

“So you would be the person to come to if I have any questions?” You say, returning her smile.

“I’m sure any member of the faculty and even the students could help you integrate yourself into your new job here. You aren’t the only new staff member either, Miss Wood joined us at the start of the new term. Anyway as fun as it has been getting to know you Mr Roberts… or should I say Professor Roberts? I do have other jobs I need to attend to, welcome to the staff here at PSU, James”. She replies.

You get up heading towards the door. “Well thank you for this great opportunity, I look forward to teaching here”. You tell her as you let yourself out of her office. As it is only mid morning and your only lecture is scheduled for the afternoon you have plenty of time to waste. A broad grin crosses your face, as you kind of get the idea that you are going to like it here. You suddenly find yourself thinking of your friend Lance who managed to get himself a position at Harvard, the jealousy you felt at the time has evaporated fairly quickly.

You first decide to go and find your office, as after you find your timetable you can work out what to do with the rest of your time until your first lecture. After walking around for about twenty minutes you eventually find the English department and what you think is your office. There are four lecture rooms and as you discover there are three other English lecturers, judging by the names on the office doors two of them are male and one is female. You find what you think is your office, as it has Professor Robinson’s name on the door.

You let yourself into the room, finding a fairly small room. Pushed up against the right wall is a small desk, which much to your dismay is fairly cluttered with your predecessor’s paper work. Against the left wall is a small bookcase and a battered old looking filing cabinet. Pretty much opposite the door is a small barred window, which lets barely any light into the room. The room smells very musty like it has been rarely used in some time. However the one upside is a very comfy looking black leather chair.

You decide to take a seat and start looking through the paperwork for your timetable. You search through everything and come up with nothing, then you decide to check the only drawer in the desk. You find no timetable, however there is a half-full bottle of Jameson whiskey in there. You are nearly about to give up, when you notice the timetable is pinned to the wall above the desk. You read it and discover your only lecture for the day is at two in the afternoon in lecture room three.

Finding yourself a glass you pour yourself a whiskey in celebration of your new job. You settle back into the chair putting your feet up on the desk. You wonder how you are going to waste the next few hours. Now all you need to know is what the lecture is meant to be about.


How do you waste the time?

          Your first lecture


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