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Band of Adventurers | ArsenalXIII | 5


Hurriedly, Janno sat down on his bed, sword and whetstone in hand and pretended to be in middle of sharpening his blade in order to obscure his massive boner. He looked towards the door and spoke, "Come in."

The door opened, and Mina walked in, followed by two men. One of the men had a scraggly demeanor, looking more like a buccaneer than anything. His wavy black hair went down to his shoulders, and he wore a long, sleeveless grey coat over a bare chest and pants, with high boots. Two machetes were sheathed on his back. The other man was shorter than either Mina or the buccaneer, with slicked back auburn hair and pointed ears that indicated mixed elvish blood. He was dressed in light brown clothes, with a belt full of throwing knives, a long dagger, and a whip. A definite rogue type, Janno thought. He looked up at Mina. "Oh, hey. Who're these two?"

Mina indicated to the short half-elf first, "This is Nyler, a rogue," then he indicated to the tall scraggly man, "and this is my brother Kellan. They've agreed to help us."

Janno nodded, rather pleased. If these two panned out to be any good, he'd have a six person party, and they could proceed on whatever task Xariella had in mind by tomorrow. "Alright, what are your specialties?"

Kellan stretched and leaned against the wall. "I'm the best damn track you're likely to find in these parts, make no mistake. I do most of my work in the thick swamp to the east of here, so I don't give much truck to ranged weapon." He grinned at Mina, who crossed her arms somewhat indignantly. "Not that they don't have their place here and there. I prefer to fight with my two swords, though." He stepped off away from the wall, and unsheathed both machetes, twirling them quite skillfully in his hands. Janno nodded. "Alright, sounds good. Though I doubt we'll be going through that marsh any time soon."

"About that," Mina said, "the Lorea river has flooded, and it took out the main road out of town and its surroundings." Janno frowned in response, and nodded. "Alright. So the only way out of here that doesn't take us over some mountains is that swamp, right? Well, I guess we're lucky to have you aboard, then." He nodded to Kellan, who sheathed his swords and grinned. Nyler stepped forward, then, looking rather enthusiastic. "And I can get us out of any traps we run into. Any locks or anything like that are no match for me." He looked at Kellan. "He can vouch for me, he's worked with me on quite a few jobs."

"Alright, sounds good." Janno sheathed his sword, standing up. His hard-on had thankfully disappeared during the talk. "You've free to use tonight to take care of any business you might have before going, but I want you back here by breakfast so we can meet up with Xariella and find out what she wants."

"Xariella?" Mina asked. "Is that our employer?"

"Yes," Janno said, "so don't make a fool of yourself when you see her. She's going to be traveling with us, her and... a healer. She's a sorceress, so we'll be covered from that angle. She stipulated that it needed to be at least a five man team, though, so even though we have six it will probably be a difficult task. I want everyone to pull their weight."

Everyone nodded, and handshakes were exchanged, sealing the partnership. Nyler and Kellan stepped out of the room, but Janno stopped Mina before she could leave. "Thanks for all your help, Mina. I don't think I could have put together a party this fast without you."

Mina looked rather surprised by the praise, and smiled rather shyly. "I suppose the score is even, then, as you trusted me, even though my brother looks rather disreputable."

"I judge someone by their skill, not their appearance," Janno said, truthfully, "and they looked like pretty experienced hands."

"You're quite the leader, Janno," Mina said, heading towards the door, "I think I shall look forward to working under you."

Janno nodded to Mina as she left, then pondered her last words. She was a very attractive woman, and despite her stoic demeanor had seemed rather flattered by his compliments. He pushed it to the back of his mind when he got dinner, but afterwards, as he got into bed to sleep, it re-emerged. Visions of her and Xariella sucking his cock weaved themselves over his mind throughout the night, and he finally got up with a massive hard-on. Before he could decide on whether or not to relieve himself, he heard the handle to his door click, and the door started to slowly slide open...


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