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Aaralon's Discoveries | Blindspot2 | 11


Aaralon leafed through the spell book and found a suitable spell and started reading:

The spell of demon's submittance;
Most sex with demons without magic protection often results in becoming on with the demon or a slave of it. Transfer of sexual fluids results in the change in the sense of a offering to the demon. Most binding spells allow the demons not the physically hurt their summoners, however the ones that keep their intelligence such as a incubus of succubus will try to sway their summoners to free them though making the summoner bound to them instead or reverse-binding. The way to prevent the revese-binding is to make the demon willingly, for the sole purpose of revese-binding on the masters, give up a drop of their sexual jucies or a part of their soul, the latter hard to obtain. Once the drop has been obtained you must intercourse with the said demon and smear the drop of given juice upon both of your genitals whlie saying the original binding method just as you, or the said demon, ejeculate or in suitations of others beings simply exchange fluids. If misdone you have the time window of 5 real time seconds for a unsummon.


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