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Invisible Hijinks | meach | 1


Eureka!!! After years of relentless research, you finally pulled it off. Your heart is beating a hundred times a second as you walk over to the test area. This makes up for all the time you spent buried in books, your almost total lack of utter human interaction, and the last 10 years of being so busy working you hadn't even had a single date.

You lowered your head to eye level with the cage that looks to contain only a pet exercise wheel, food/water combo dish, and a motionless plane of cider chips. Your stomach drops as fear hits you. Even with your test subject invisible, you should be able to see some form of movement that would alert you to the location of your guiena pig. Could the process be lethal?

That would put you right back at step one of the drawing board. All your work would be for not. Now as sweat started to form on your brow you see it. There was ripple forming in the water dish, then it happened again. You stick you finger in between the cage's bars in the direction of the water bowl. You notice the cider chips in that area scatter a bit by themeselves in a direction away from your protruding finger, then a shuffling of the chips made it way to your finger as you felt a slight spurts of air pass over it. Your guiena pig must have been sniffing you out before it decided to give your finger tip a few investigative nips. You pump your free arm in accomplishment rather hard, and apparently startled your unseen test subject as it bites down a lil harder.

"Ouch," you yell out as pull back your finger and insert your pained tip into your mouth. The skin was slightly broken but you don't see any blood. "Okay, fair enough, I'm so happy I'll fogive you for the bite." you retort back to the unseen guiena pig.

Your mind is racing as you think about all of the people you'll have to contact about your breakthrough. You'd like to run to your nearest media center and blab it to everyone in the world, but protocal dictates that you report through the proper chain of command. First you'd have to contact your research head, Dr. Karen Shaw. She's most likely at home sleep. It is still 4 in the morning. Only people that are at the lab at this time are fellowship drones like yourself and the janitorial staff maybe.

Once Dr. Shaw gets all the details she'll report in to the heads of the Department of Defense (DOD), since they are the ones that supplied the grant that produced your work. She'll most likely take all the credit for it too. Something you're not looking forward to, especially if it means they might take the project from you. This is all you've known since you started work on your doctoric. You haven't spent a single day away from this. The more you think about it the more you start to wonder why should you have to give it away. Wait this isn't you. You're more rational than this. However, it would be unacceptable for you to give research that isn't complete. You would need to have 2nd phase human test for it to truely be finished. Wait that would take years to get clearence. What am I thinking?


Methods: That bite is affecting you, test the device, inject the serum, you decide on a method

          That bite is affecting you


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