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Working Girls | Zingiber | 4


Anita and Allison stood in the hallway, wrapped in their towels.

"S'where to?" Allison asked.

"We picked up the last Sir Galahad at Grind Your Own," the petite Indian girl said.

Allison laughed. "Yah. 'Please sir, could you help me with this coffee grinder? It seems to be stuck in my knickers.' I don't know how you get away with that."

Anita giggled. "Nice boys are so easy," she said. "Besides, I could see him looking at your arse, and I just needed to let him know we were prowling too." She slipped a hand under Allison's towel and patted the tall black woman's buttocks. "I fancy Jamaica Jim's tonight. Let's see what the others think." She gave Allison's rear cheek a squeeze and let her go.

"You're shameless," Allison said.

"Shameless?" Anita said. "You should see my mum. I'm surprised we haven't run into her in the clubs with a boy on each arm."

"Now there's a thought," Allison said.

They barged into Jo's room. She was sitting in front of the dressing table wearing a green silk dress, with Cathy brushing her hair in long strokes. Jo tilted her head with the sensual attention.

"Jamaica Jim's?" Anita queried.

"What a pit!" Cathy replied. "Have you ever been in the restrooms?" The American blonde straightened up to her full height. "And the girls are all teeny-boppers drunk off their asses." Cathy was wearing a white silk shirt with a loose collar, cropped in front to show off her navel. As a concession to practicality, she was wearing a sheer white bra. She wore camel-coloured wool slacks that buttoned in the front. The slacks were a little too small and hugged her buttocks tightly. Cathy had strategically left the top button undone to leave a conspicuous v-notch under her exposed navel.

"Eh, alright," Allison said. "If you're looking for anything other than a healthy young male specimen, I admit it doesn't have much to offer." She surveyed Cathy's outfit. "You're right, Cathy, the poor little birds at Jim's would probably try and pick you up by mistake."

Anita laughed. "I think they'd notice they were talking to her tits," she said.

Cathy put on a mock sour face, then smiled back. "Bounce for Britain, Miss Martin!"

Jo picked up a tube of lipstick by touch from her carefully arranged dressing table and frosted her lips with a suitable evening shade. She added a few drops of lip sealer and smacked her lips together.

Cathy checked. "Looks good," she said. "You do that better than me."

Jo laughed. "I never thought I'd be teaching a sighted girl how to put on make-up," she said. "But then again you are a benighted colonial." She chuckled.

Cathy gasped in mock indignation, then laughed back at Jo.

Jo listened to the sound of the wind and rain at the window and cocked her head toward Anita and Allison. "For tonight, we should go somewhere that we can trust the cloakroom attendants."

The other girls looked at one another.

"Eric and Sam will know," Anita said. "Let's get dressed."

Allison and Anita went to dress while Suki and the redheaded twins finished their shower. Allison chose a strapless, shimmery dress with a skirt that swirled as she walked. Anita slipped into a silk camisole and panties against the draught, and covered them with a brightly striped dress in red, green, and gold accented with glittering spangles.

Anita helped Allison put the finishing touches on her make-up with strategic touches of gold and rainbow glitter to highlight the lines of Allison's face, neck, and bare shoulders. Allison smiled at the look and made to stand up.

Anita put her hand on Allison's shoulder. "Nails too," she said.

"What? I hate waiting for it to dry," Allison said.

"No, liquid glitter," Anita said. "Dries instantly. Not a bother like polish." She brushed Allison's nails with a faint wash of liquid rainbow glitter, then did her own nails with gold.

Allison looked at them both in the mirror and giggled. "Miss Cheap, meet Miss Tawdry," she said.

Anita put her hands on her hips and mimed Cathy's broad American accent. "Well I may be cheap, but I am NEVER easy," she said.

Allison fell over laughing. "Stop it, stop it," she said.

They stood up and went to check on Suki and the twins. The shower had stopped some time ago. Jo and Cathy approached the twins' room from the other side. Cathy poked her head in first.

"Well, hullo Eric!" she called in. "Going to the rat fights?" One of Cathy's sidelines in British history had been public entertainments.

Erica stepped out of the room. The redhead wore a dress with a full red skirt gored in satin and velvet and a tight-laced bodice pushing up her breasts. She wore a velvet hat, and her concession to modernity was a pair of black lace-up boots. "Renaissance moshing, actually," she said.

Anita looked in to see how Samantha and Suki were getting along. Suki was wearing a short ruffled dress of gauzy black chiffon with silver spangles. She was standing, bent over Sam's dressing table. On her legs, she was wearing black fishnet stockings, gartered at the upper thigh. A pair of black panties was rucked down around her knees as Sam concluded a delicate operation.

Anita felt Alison's breasts press into her upper back as the taller woman looked over her shoulder to see what Anita was staring at.

With a hand from below, Samantha was gently frigging Suki's moist brown inner pussy lips and thumbing her clit. From above, Sam was slowly working a silvery, elongated, ribbed device into Suki's anus. "Here, just another squirt," Sam said. She used her lower hand to fetch a little bottle and dripped lubricant into Suki's crease. Sam replaced the bottle, pinched Suki's clit firmly, and pushed. Suki whimpered, then sighed, and the device slipped in, resting on a broad flange. A small round knob with a little clip dangled from a wire attached to the device.

"There we go," said Sam. She withdrew her hands and pulled up Suki's panties, then clipped the knob to the waistband. "Let's try it out." She squeezed the little knob.

"Ooh!" said Suki. "I felt a little vibration."

"That means it's listening," said Sam. "Now it'll pick up on music, and conversation, and your movements, and give you a little buzz in rhythm with what's going on."

Suki giggled. She straightened up and looked at Sam. Her hair was spiked up with gel, and she was wearing bold eye and lip makeup. "It feels OK being in there."

"And then, of course, there's the remote control," Sam said.

Suki squeaked. "No, wait!"

"What, did you want me to test it out in line for the club?" Sam said. She clicked a button on something that looked like a remote for a slide projector.

"Oh!" said Suki. Sam clicked again. "OH!" Click. "Ahhh..." Suki sighed.

"Very good, then," Sam said. Click. "Off for now."

Finally the girls were assembled in the downstairs hall.

Anita ticked off their various points to qualify a club for the night. "Point one," she said, nodding to Allison. "It has to have boys."

"Girls would be nice, too," said Erica.

Anita nodded. "Point two, then. Point three," she said, nodding to Cathy, "It can't be a pit or be full of puking undergraduates. Point four," she said, nodding to Jo, "It's raining and blowing, and we want a place where we won't fear to leave our coats." She paused. "Proposals, ladies?"


Where to? Or do they go separate ways?

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