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Ves Du'nherz | dietcoke | 2


You take the high road, not worrying really that much about where it takes you. The day grows, then wanes, but there is still no end of road in sight. You decide to set up camp in a tree tonight, for during the day many travellers had passed with a friendly warning of the bandits that watch the road at night. Jumping lightly into a large enough tree, you take off your cloak and lay it across a wide bough.

Your rest is broken by flashes of light and the sounds of a heated arguement. You peer out of the tree to see a brightly lit wagon with some activity going on around it. Leaning further out of the tree for a closer look you notice what exactly is happening. A young woman is trying to fight off a couple of men who are trying to throw her off of the wagon, while a few more bandits stand around with torches laughing at the sight.


What do you do?

          To the rescue.

          Leap to the defence of this fair maiden

          Go back to sleep.


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