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Emily's Diary | Nightarrow | 3


Well Diary, the year is not even a week old and I already broke my resolution. But nothing happened yesterday. Here's my entry

Jan 3, 2005
Dear Diary, today I did my homework reading and watched a little TV. Mom made meatloaf for dinner.

See, it was a dull day. Not even school since it was closed for a staff meeting. Today we had school and THAT was interesting. As I'm walking out of the parking lot Steve and Dante walk on either side of me. They don't say anything about the party, just each give me a kiss on the cheek and wish me a happy new year. As we walk together into school. Timmy, remember him the geek who jerked off on me, well he must've been waiting for me by my locker and was starting to say something, when Steve and Dante stared him down. "Don't even think it." Steve said to him.

"Just wish the lady a Happy New Year," Dante said.

"And a Happy Birthday," Steve said.

"And you can tell her that you had a good time at her birthday party," Dante said.

"And not one more word," Steve said.

"To anyone," Dante said.

I couldn't believe how these two jocks were standing up for me. It was almost funny listening to Timmy squeak out, "I hope you had a happy birth- birthday Emily. And a Happy New Year. Your party was fun, I had a good time."

"Very good," Steve said.

"Now get lost," Dante finished.

Steve took touched my elbow in a very gentle way. "I think that will quiet anyone down, but just to be safe, we're going to watch out for you for the next week or so."

Dante continued, "You're in my lunch period, come sit over at my table the next few days."

Steve went on, "And one or both of us will walk you to your car after school before practice."

Dante finished, "Or afterwards if you want to stay and watch."

My head was spinning; these two dreamboats had never even spoken to me two social sentences before Friday night, and now this. At lunch time I was getting my seat when I looked over towards Dante and he was waving me to his table. I had a seat there but pretty much ate alone. Just alone in his crowd. No one was mean to me or anything. Even Dante's girlfriend was fine with me. Of course the whole time she was sitting on his lap with a hand massaging his cock while he had an arm around her squeezing her tit. The two of them just sat like that while they talked with everyone and fed each other with their other hand. They looked happy.

After school, they were waiting for me. They were in a bit of a rush, but they explained to me that the last one in the weight room had to stay behind and gather up the towels from the showers and put them in the laundry bin. As they walked me to my car I commented how I was surprised that practice was still going on since the season was over. They explained that they were getting ready for next year. They would be seniors in a few months and wanted to make a good impression on the college scouts.

So that's it, I got in my car and came home. I've got so much homework to do; I decided to write you before I got started.


The next entry...

          Jan 7, 2005, Emily promises to work out


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