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Working Girls | AaronWebster | 1


Cathy Martin pulled her thick coat around her and made a sprint through the rain to the car. Four years of living in this country had taught her to be ready for anything that the British weather threw at her. But it still wasn’t pleasant to be drenched in the course of a 100 yard dash across the playground.

“Bounce for Britain, Miss Martin!”

…And three years of teaching had taught her to be ready for any comment that British teenagers might throw at her. On this occasion, she didn’t even bother to look around for the originators of the comment on her obvious assets, spoken in a cheesy and imprecise rendition of her own American accent.

Cathy reached the car and in a single fluid motion, threw open the door and hurled herself inside.

Once she had caught her breath, Cathy started the engine and slowly left the school building behind for another day.

The 24-year-old history teacher had first come to this country six years ago as part of a student exchange. She had shared a house with six other girls and thoroughly enjoyed studying British history in its original setting.

At the end of the year, the five British girls had arranged to live out in a house together and tried to persuade herself and Suki, the other exchange student, to stay on. The Japanese girl was persuaded to stay, but the impracticalities of funding forced Cathy reluctantly back home.

She had continued to write and e-mail the British girls though. Then one day, as she neared the end of her course in the States, a letter from her British Asian friend, Anita. It seemed that the girls were intending to continue to live in the area after their course finished and once again there was an invitation to join them.

Cathy hadn’t sorted out a career for herself yet, but wanted to continue with her first love of history, so she gladly accepted the offer and returned to Britain to train as a history teacher. As things turned out, she was quite glad of the house-share. House prices were rising fast in the UK and without the other girls contributing their salaries, she would have struggled to find somewhere to live.

The pretty blonde woman slowed swung her car into the car park of the local government buildings. After a short pause a young black woman emerged from the buildings, umbrella over her head, ducking the rain. This was Allison, also 24 and one of the friends she shared the house with. She had agreed to give Allison a lift home, whilst her car was at the garage.

“Hi, hon,” called Allison climbing into the passenger seat beside her. Cathy switched off the windscreen wipers, so that the rain would quickly conceal them from prying eyes, then she gave the black woman an affectionate kiss on the lips.

“Mmmm… That feels nice,” commented Allison warmly and then leaned in again and the two women locked lips once more. Cathy had a flash-back to the prudish Allison she had met on that first night at college; who had almost been her room-mate and who since that night had often shared a bed, or a boy, with her.

Cathy smiled to herself, then set the wipers going again and headed for home. She wondered if any of the others would be back yet. Redheaded Sam was likely to be in. She and her twin sister Erica were doing a job share, so that one of them could stay home. Of course, Cathy wasn’t entirely sure that the twins’ employers *knew* that they were doing a job share.

Anita had a job in finance, which meant that she often worked long hours, but things hadn’t been too fraught recently, so she might not be back too late tonight.

Shortly after Cathy had picked up Allison, the two young women arrived back at the house.

As they entered their home, their ears were assaulted by a loud cry from one of the downstairs bedrooms. Allison hastily closed the door behind them.

The voice cried out again – a female voice giving vent to passionate release. For a while it subsided into muted gasps and the two friends paused to see if it would rise in volume again.

“Well, I guess Sam’s having fun,” commented Allison. “I wonder who with?”

“Suki?” asked Cathy.

“Nah, doesn’t sound like her – although she can get quite loud.”

The two young women laughed at that – outside of the bedroom, Suki was as quiet as a church mouse.

“Was somebody calling me?” came a voice from the kitchen and the young Japanese woman emerged, wielding a small knife and dressed only in her panties – her small titties bare.

“Oh, hi Suki, you’re home,” commented Cathy, “are you doing food?”

“Yeah, the sushi bar is open,” answered Suki brightly.

Suki had stayed on at uni to do a Master’s degree and was now taking her mathematics further and lecturing part-time. Today was obviously a home-study day.

“Sounds like someone else is having a little sushi in Sam’s room.”

“Oh that’s just Jo. She come home early today.”

Jo was the seventh member of the household. Being blind had not stopped her from beginning a successful career as a lawyer. Once a week, she went down to the community centre to give free legal advice to local residents. Clearly, she hadn’t had many takers today and had been able to get home early.

“You think they want sushi?” asked Suki. With that the cries began to get louder again.

Laughing, the three young women went to see what was causing Jo so much pleasure. When they arrived at Sam’s room, they saw Jo on the redhead twins’ double bed, with her face pushed into the pillows still gasping and crying loudly, whilst Sam lustily assaulted her from behind with a strap-on dildo.

“Hi guys,” cried Sam, her bare titties bobbing as she continued to thrust. “Whose next? I could keep this up all night. I don’t know what boys have to complain about.”

“Talking of night,” commented Allison. “What are our plans for tonight, after Anita and Erica get in. Are we staying in? Going out? On the pull? Or what?”


What is the plan for the night?

          Go out on the pull, but get warmed up first


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