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Virtual Unreality | moonblack | 6


Danya took a look around and found herself in what looked like a long corridor in the house of someone rich. Or at least the carpet she was standing on looked very expensive.

The corridor was empty, no living soul in sight. Danya decided to take a look around and then decide what to do. Several minutes later she had learned enough. The house she was in had two floors. She was on the first one, which seemed to contain a kitchen, a library, at least two baths and at least two dining rooms, plus a few more rooms with unknown contents. The second floor seemed to contain a bath and several rooms plus a few locked doors. Both floors were well decorated with expensive furniture and various paintings and statues all over. The place looked completely empty except for her and the holy presence she could feel on the first floor. Danya guessed it must be the angel. Whatever or whoever it was it was radiating an aura of holiness that made the demoness sick to her stomach. And it got worse as she got closer. However since failure was not an option she had no choice but to investigate it and hope that if it was her target she would be able to surprise her.

It didn’t take long for Danya to find the room. It turned out to be a rather small (compared to the other rooms in the house she had seen so far) dining room. The door was open and through it the demoness saw an angel with golden hair and snow-white wings putting her chair back in its place. She was wearing a white sleeveless dress that reached to the floor. The angel had her back turned to the intruder so Danya decided to try and sneak in. She slowly took a step forward, then another and another… Suddenly the angel turned sharply around and faced Danya, much to the demoness’ surprise.

“What… You are one of Sylphia’s servants! Who are you and why are you here? Are you trying to sneak up on me? Did you think I would not sense your presence?”

“I wasn’t trying to sneak in or anything like that, I was just looking around trying to find you.” Danya explained while trying to decide her next action. She had no idea what to expect from her supposed victim. The demoness took a good look at the angel taking notice of the two large round breasts the dress was unsuccessfully trying to hide.

“Oh? And what do you want from me?”

“I was sent to rape you,” Danya admitted, still unsure what to do.

“Oh, really?” Asked the angel in a sarcastic tone. “And why should I allow you to do this to me?” As soon as she said this Danya’s target raised her right hand and a golden light appeared around it.

“Because you have no choice, Laera.” Came a female voice from behind Danya just as a silver circle with silver runes inside appeared below the angel’s feet. The golden light died down and vanished without a trace. Danya saw Laera’s sky-blue eyes widen with a mix of fear, surprise, and hatred, and turned around to see who had interfered. She saw a familiar naked figure. Her helper turned out to be Illore, the girl with silver hair. She was as naked and as beautiful as the last time Danya had seen her, but there were two obvious differences from earlier. One, Illore no longer had a dick. Instead she had a clean-shaved pussy (Danya made a mental note to ask about it later). Two, she had a pair or silver-colored angel wings very much like Laera’s white ones, only a few centimeters larger.

“Illore? What are you doing here?”

“I was sent to help you since you don’t have the power to defeat Laera on your own.” While she spoke Illore moved towards the trapped angel. When she was in front of her Illore’s hair grew longer and shot forth, taking hold of Laera’s hands and legs by curling around them. It then glowed with silver light and retreated, leaving a single silver bracelet with runes engraved all over it on each of the angel’s hands and legs. The circle and runes on the floor vanished, but the angel seemed to remain just as powerless as before.

“Can everyone but me do that hair thing?”

Illore laughed. “No, of course not. Many can control their hair to some small degree, but very few can do what the Mistress can. I still can’t do everything she is capable of.”

“I see. Judging by her reaction she knows you,” noted Danya, pointing at the trapped angel.

“She has heard of me, like all angels, and I have heard of her, but we have never met until now,” explained Illore.

“Like all angels? What are you talking about? Who are you?”

“She could’ve been one of us if she hadn’t let her demon blood take over her,” said the angel with hatred in her voice.

“That is true. It is why all angels know me.”

“You could’ve been an angel?” Danya was getting more and more confused. She had thought Illore just another demoness, no different from Allya and Fyra. Now however she was not so sure. “What are you?”

“Well, as you must have figured out already, I am not like Allya and Fyra. They are like you – on the lowest level of all of the Mistress’ servants. I am on Cecelia’s level, which places me far above the three of you. In my body flows the blood of several races. I have equal amounts of angel blood and demon blood in me, which gave me a choice. I could become either an angel or a demon. There is also human blood in me, although a bit less than the angel’s, and very small amounts from the blood of a few more races. So the question what I really am is a hard one to answer even for me.”

“So in short you are far more that what you seem to be.”

“Correct. But enough about me. Have you forgotten why you are here? You have work to do.” Illore made a gesture with her hand, the four silver bracelets flashed, and Laera was suddenly lying on her back on the table completely naked, her clothes gone without a trace. “She’s all yours.”

“No! You can’t!” Screamed Laera, but was ignored.

Danya looked at the helpless angel while slowly walking towards the table and saw her trembling with fear, her eyes pleading for help and mercy. The look in Laera’s eyes touched something in the demoness and made her think. Was this the right thing to do? Did she really want to do it? Danya had to decide, and quickly. She had three choices:
1) She could try to help the angel and hope that in return she will be saved. Under the current circumstances such a decision looked rather suicidal, but it was an option no less;
2) She could just do what she had been sent to do and rape Laera;
3) Or she could invite Illore to join her and help her. Having the girl with silver hair for a friend certainly looked like a good idea.

Danya had only seconds to decide.


What is Danya’s choice?

          Rape Laera by Herself


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