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When The Cat's Away | Imhotep | 7


Pulling the van out into the traffic Gary let his mind drift. He drove south on Halsey Avenue. As he drove he glanced at attractive women he saw walking down the sidewalks, and sitting and driving in the cars that passed by the van. In seconds, images of himself and these women flashed in his head, engaging in various sexual acts. “Man, I’m horny.” He thought to himself, and dropped a hand between his legs, feeling his rock hard cock beneath his pants. He had driven some distance down the broad street, when he decided that he’d go to a nearby park, find a secluded spot and get some release.

Exiting onto the interstate, he drove about two miles, heading towards the park exit, when he spied a girl of about twenty, dressed in a faded denim jacket, matching pants and shiny black boots. She was slim, had long wavy black hair, and looked to be Hispanic. She had her thumb out for a ride. Gary grinned to himself, and pulled the van over on the shoulder just past the slim brunette. It wasn’t very likely that she was going to have sex with him in gratitude, but, as he was once told by his father, “A smile from a girl rarely ends with an orgasm, but it would be a shame not to try.” Leaning over, he unlocked the passenger side door. He quickly looked in the back of the van, and saw that it was relatively clean.

In the side view mirror, Gary saw the young woman jogging towards the door. Her jacket open, he could see that she was wearing a red t-shirt beneath the jacket, and that her breasts were round and large, and bounced nicely as she ran. Reaching the door, she pulled it open, and climbed into the van and slammed the door shut. She turned and gave him a wide smile, revealing a set of almost perfect white teeth.

“Thanks a lot, I can’t tell you how long I’ve been standing out there, waiting for a ride.” She tossed her hair back over her shoulders.

“Glad I could help.” Gary said, returning her smile

“My name is Carmalita, by the way. But, my friends call me Lita.” She said as she snapped the safety belt into its lock. He saw that her left ear was double pierced on the lobe, from which two small silver colored rings hung.

“I’m Gary.”

“Well, I’m glad you picked me up, Gary. Are you headed towards the U?” Carmalita asked.

She was referring to the university, which was about another 15 miles down the interstate. “What the hell” He thought. He had the time to take her there. He wondered if he might be able to figure out a way to get the sexy Hispanic girl to help him with his dilemma. Maybe she’d like to stop at the park.

"I could be." He said his voice dripping with sarcasm. She laughed and he saw that her tongue was pierced as well. The silver ball clicked against her teeth.

"Can you take me there?"


Gary's answer?

          "Not a problem."


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