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Amazon Women | bastian | 16


Before you could dwell on your circumstances any longer, Buffy glances down at her watch and lets out a sting of curses. “Girls, we gotta go now or we’re gonna be late for the skate competition!”

Sally nodded, “Wouldn’t want that would we girls, not with our latest attraction,” she added as she firmly grasped your bottom causing you to wince slightly.

As it turned out the net café wasn’t too far from the skate park so the girls decide to leave their car and walk. The walk through downtown Amazonia was quite an experience. Everywhere you turned women (some little more then girls) ogled you and sized you up as if you were a piece of meat, openly staring at your crotch and ass. Some even hooted and made cat calls after you, but any attempt to approach you was thwarted by the angry gaze of the girls – especially Gwen.

Being a sexual object was both flattering and unnerving, but nothing could prepare you for what you saw next. Sally, upset with their slow progress, lead you and her group down a narrow alley between two buildings. It was the noise that caught your attention first, the sound of a woman grunting with effort and the separate much quieter sound of what you thought sounded like a man whimpering and sobbing.

As you round the corner you finally saw where the noise was coming from. In broad daylight and only steps from the main road, a muscular black woman – even bigger then Gwen, was violently riding a frail looking man with bruises all over his face.

Sally cleared her throat and the woman cocked her head in Sally’s direction, ceasing all movement. You noted quickly that despite her large stature and cruel nature, this Amazonian was a vision of perfection, with perfect breasts and a face that could only be described as angelic. “Well! If it isn’t little Sally and her little band of cunts! No doubt on your way to lose another skating competition to my team,” the woman mocked, but upon noticing me, her eyes grew shrewd, “I see you’ve finally got yourself a man! It must make a nice change from fucking a stick all day,” she laughed.

Gwen stepped forward and looked ready to spit nails, but Buffy and Kia held her back. “Tell ya what Sally!” the woman continued, “How about we make this competition a bit more interesting by making a little wager?”

“Go on,” Sally said cautiously.

“Here’s the deal: If you win, I’ll give you $10000 and agree to steer clear of your neck of the woods.

“And if we lose?” Buffy asked.

“Oh I’m a reasonable woman, if you lose you simply have to loan me and the gals your man for the night, we get pretty horny after competitions and Tom here has never been able to go more then once or twice a day.” Having said her piece she turned her back on Sally and went back to raping poor Tom. “Think about it,” she called out as we turned back onto a main street.

When we were out of earshot Kia finally spoke out, “I can’t believe that fucking bitch…” she raged, “She has no right to treat her man like that, beating him and raping him at will, it makes me sick.”

The others nodded in agreement and you and the girls silently made your way to the indoor skate park.

The line out front was quite long, but since Sally, Gwen, Buffy and Kia were competitors, they were able to get in through the back. As you sat in the change room, watching the girls as they changed into their riding gear, Buffy began to explain to you the rules.

“Today their will be four teams competing. Wildsiders, which is us, the Ironmaidens whose leader is from Herma, you just met, and the two best teams from Heraville: The Twin Falcons and the Dragon Slayers. Now the rules are simple, every team member gets two sets, with the two scores being averaged. When a team is done their scores are averaged together and the highest score is taken to decide the victor. The scoring is based on two categories: style and difficulty. You seem like a pretty intelligent person so I won’t go into any more detail. Now get out of your clothes.”

Strangely you don’t even argue with her, you simply remove your clothes and follow the team out of the change room and down a long corridor. When the corridor opens up you find yourself in a massive dome filled with ramps, railings and every other conceivable obstacle. All around you, women, of every color and nationality, cheer and clap waiting for the festivities to begin. Suddenly you are very aware of your nakedness.


Does Sally take the bet?

          The Battle Begins


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