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Adventures of Anya. | shaver | 12


"Your pregnancies will be accelerated , you will give birth in less than 3 hours. I also have to tell you that every mature egg in your body will be fertilised, most of my women give birth to 4 or 5 fraternal sisters. I hope you both have boys ".

Anya and Kim slumped to the floor. They were soon led away to what looked like a hospital ward. There were 4 or 5 beds ,spotlessly clean, obvious designed as a labour ward. "What do we do now ",asked Kim.

"Just wait and see if its true ", said Anya.

The "morning sickness " hit in about half an hour, the women felt their breasts becoming tender soon after . The Masters doctors examined each woman, "You have 4 developing children " he told Kim, " Anya you have 6!".

After an hour the pregnancies reached the 3 month stage, Anyas bulge was greater ,but Kims showed more due to her slighter build. After a quick meal and a shower a nurse told the women to lie back in the beds. Soon they were both enormous ,Anyas normally muscular frame was now that of a six months pregnant woman carrying 6 babies. She felt ponderous but glowing with energy. Kim could barely move but delighted at the huge milk filled breasts which now thrust high from her body.

The doctor returned an ultrasound scanned their babies to check they were developing naturally. Two midwifes appeared. The women stripped off their huge bulges now fully developed, their legs were put high in stirrups and spread wide apart to assist with the births. "I think that you will be due first " ,Anyas midwife said. Anya felt a stabbing pain in her side as one of her unborn infants kicked hard. Her vagina was now fully dilated ,she felt the first contraction and milk spurted from huge breasts and enormous 3 inch long nipples. "Ahh please help me!"

"Don't worry Anya ",we are here to help ......"


Boys or Girls ?


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