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Virtual Unreality | moonblack | 4


“HOLD IT!” came a shout from behind the satyr. The voice was female and attracted the attention of all four demons. The satyr turned around to it followed by the other three, Danya still in his hands.

The one that had shouted turned out to be a woman with black hair that reached to her waist and completely black eyes, no white or any other color could be seen. Her skin was deathly pale in contrast to her black lips. She was wearing a sleeveless dress, also black in color, and the upper part of her large breasts was visible. The woman spoke in commanding tone, “Show her to me!”

The satyr did as ordered. He put Danya on the ground and used his four hands to rotate her.

“Beautiful. This one will do nicely,” commented the woman after taking a good look at Danya. “She belongs to the Mistress from now on!” she declared. The satyr let go of the scared she-devil and vanished into the nearby shadows, just like the other three. The woman looked at Danya and pain suddenly exploded in her body, sending her into unconsciousness.

Danya woke up to find herself in a large and very cozy bed. Slowly memory about what had happened returned to her. She wondered who the woman was and where she was.

“You are awake at last.” She heard a voice and looked to her right side. The woman from earlier was there, looking the way Danya remembered. There were three girls with her, all of them naked, with large round breasts… and with large hard dicks in addition to their pussies. Each one was staring at Danya with lust in her eyes. Suddenly Danya realized she was completely naked. A quick look around showed nothing with which to cover herself. She turned her eyes back to the four females. The three girls were looking at her, exploring her body with their eyes.

“What is your name, little she-devil?” The woman asked.


“Danya. Pretty name. I like it. Now listen carefully, Danya. My three companions will fuck you. There is one for each hole, as you can guess. When they are finished you will lick my cunt and make me cum. And you will swallow all of my cum. If you fail to do this, or if you try to resist in any way, you will regret it. Am I clear?”

As soon as the woman asked the question pain exploded in Danya’s body again, only this time it was not as horrible as before and she did not loose consciousness. Danya used all of her willpower to overcome it long enough to answer. “Crystal clear.”

As soon as she said these two words the pain vanished. “Very good. Then let us begin. Girls?”

The three girls moved towards the bed. Danya looked at them again, this time studying them. The first had short brown hair and brown eyes, the second had shoulder-length red hair and purple eyes, and the last one had silver-colored hair and green eyes. Apart from their hairs and eyes, they were almost the same, the only visible difference being the small tattoos on their breasts. The first two had tattooed flowers. An orchid on the right breast and an edelweiss on the left for the brown-haired girl. The red-haired one had red roses – two on each breast. The third one had tattooed pentagrams – one on each breast and on the inside of her thighs.

“The brown-haired one is called Allya, the one with red hair is Fyra, and the last one is Illore.” The woman informed Danya while the girls were getting on the bed. Allya lied down on the bed next to Danya and looked at her. “Get on top of me, you slut. I wanna feel my dick entering your cunt.” She ordered. Danya did as told. She got on top of the brown-haired girl, positioned her cunt right on top of the dick, and then moved down until the cock was completely inside her.

“Good. Now stay like this.” Ordered Fyra. She sat on Allya’s face, her hard-on in front of Danya’s eyes. “Now suck me while she licks my cunt.” Danya obeyed and took the cock in her mouth, sucking it. Then she felt the third girl climb on the bed and position her dick at Danya’s back door. A quick thrust and her ass was filled as well. Illore’s hands found her large tits and started playing with them, fondling, squeezing, and pinching the nipples. “Do you like that, little she-devil? Do you like having each of your holes filled and your breasts toyed with? I bet you do.” Illore whispered to Danya in a seductive tone. Her hair fell on the she-devil’s bare skin, sending a strange sensation through her body. She reached with her right hand, touching and stroking it a few times, before she realized what was different about Illore’s hair. It wasn’t just silver-colored. It was silver.

“Yessss, that’s it. I like it when someone strokes my hair,” Illore whispered in the same voice, then started moving her hips and fucking Danya’s ass.

“Don’t just stand there, Danya, move. And you Allya start licking my cunt!” Ordered Fyra and Danya obeyed without question. She moved her body up until the dick almost left her twat. Illore pulled her penis out, almost leaving Danya’s ass. Then she pushed back in at exactly the same moment Danya moved down. The girl with the silver hair started moving in and out of Danya in rhythm with the she-devil’s own movement, perfectly matching her. While she was riding Allya and was analled by Illore Danya kept sucking Fyra’s dick. She started using her tongue as well, licking the entire length. Danya’s hands, which until now had been on the sides of Allya’s body, moved to the breasts of the brown-haired girl and started playing with them in the same ways Illore was doing to her tits.

Allya’s nipples were erect in an instant, the pleasure she was receiving from her breasts being caressed adding itself to the pleasure she was receiving from Danya riding her. Her own pussy got wet and she started licking Fyra’s clit faster, from time to time inserting her tongue in the other girl. Fyra started moaning out loud as a result of the double stimulation she was receiving from the two girls servicing her.

The four girls kept on fucking and pleasuring each other for what felt like hours to Danya even though it was just a few minutes. Then she finally felt her climax approaching. Her three partners were also nearing their limit. Fyra’s juices were flowing freely now and Allya was eagerly swallowing them all while her own juices were making a large wet spot on the bed. Her dick was completely covered in Danya’s juices, which were adding to Allya’s, making the wet spot even larger. Illore’s juices were flowing out as well, her cunt soaking wet and dripping juice with every movement of her body. All girls sped up and after another minute of fucking climaxed simultaneously. Danya felt the three dicks squirt a lot of male cum inside her. Cum filled her cunt and ass and started dripping out when no more could fit in. Her mouth was filled too, but she swallowed as much as she could not letting even a single drop to escape her. Danya’s girl cum flowed out of her pussy mixed with Allya’s seed. Cum flowed from the other three girls’ pussies as well. Allya’s and Illore’s girl cum flowed out of them like a river and, like Danya’s, was added to the large wet spot, making it even larger, but none of the for cared about the mess they were making. Fyra’s girl cum flowed out of her cunt as well and Allya did her best to swallow as much as she could, but some of it flowed down her cheeks and to the bed.

All four girls remained unmoving for a while, waiting for their climaxes to pass. After a few minutes Fyra got off Allya’s face and off the bed. She went to the woman’s side and took her previous place. Illore was next. She got her hands off Danya’s body, pulled her dick out of the she-devil’s ass and got off the bed, but did not go to the woman. Instead she remained near the bed. Finally Danya got off Allya and stood up next to Illore. The brown-haired girl got off the bed and returned to the woman’s side.

“Now clean me up.” Illore ordered Danya. The she-devil obeyed without question. She got on her knees in front of the girl with silver hair and started licking her still hard cock with her tongue, cleaning it up. When she was finished she moved on to Illore’s balls. After that she started licking her nether lips and her thighs, cleaning them from the other girl’s fluids. When Danya finished her task she got back up. Illore took Danya’s face in her hands and pulled her close for a long kiss, then finally returned to her place.

“Very good, little Danya,” commented the woman. She made a short gesture with her right hand and her clothes vanished, leaving her completely naked. Her body looked completely normal, except for the skin color, and could make most human women jealous. Her pussy was soaking wet. “Come here and make me cum. And don’t forget to swallow all my cum.”

Danya went to the woman and kneeled in front of her. The woman’s legs were spread wide enough to allow easy access to her nether regions. The smell coming from the pussy in front of Danya’s face was arousing. Danya started licking and the woman let out several loud moans. The woman placed her hands on the back of Danya’s head, keeping her in place and making sure the she-devil could not get away. “Faster!” She ordered and Danya obeyed, licking faster and faster, and soon the woman let out an orgasmic cry and her cum started flowing out. Danya did her best to swallow all of it and succeeded. The woman’s cum was sweet and sent a pleasant feeling through Danya’s body.

Very good, Danya. You did as ordered. Now get up.” The woman waited until Danya was standing in front of her before starting to talk again. “I am afraid I forgot to mention one little detail. You see, my cum, when swallowed by a male creature, makes him extremely horny for the next twenty-four hours. When swallowed by a female however the effect is quite different. First of all, from now on you cannot live without female cum. Once per day you must swallow the cum of a female. But not just any female will do. It must be the cum of a virgin you have just raped, the cum of an angel, or the cum of a demoness with rank equal to or higher than mine. You can still have sex with any male or female you choose. Oh, and by the way, the cum of some high rank angels or demonesses will allow you to go two or more days without female cum. One such example is our Mistress. Second, my cum corrupts you and will slowly turn you into lust-filled whore that will do ANYTHING for sex, no matter how bizarre or perverse it may seem now. Third, my cum has one or more other effects, which vary depending on your personality. These effects become visible a few days after you swallow my cum, maybe even a week later, so you’ll have to wait to find out what else happened to you. Any questions so far?”

“No, milady,” Answered Danya.

The woman smiled. “Milady. You are a fast leaner, I see. Very good. Now, the Mistress wants to see you. But first, there is something you should know. The Mistress finds death too merciful, so if you displease her you will not receive death, no matter how long you beg for it. But you will regret a thousand times that I did not leave you with the four demons that intended to rape you. What will happen to you here may be a lot worse or a lot better that the faith that waited for you there. It depends on how you complete the tasks given to you. Any questions?”

“No, milady.”

“Very good. Then let us not keep the Mistress waiting.” The woman made a gesture and some kind of portal appeared next on Danya’s right side. Danya saw it was leading to another room. “Step through the portal, then turn right and you will see the Mistress. You will obey every order she gives you or you will regret it. The choice is yours.”

Danya hesitantly stepped through the portal and it vanished. She turned to her right as instructed.


What does Danya see?

          A naked woman with hair that reaches to the ground


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