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Ultimate Fanfiction | headcase01 | 6


"So why exactly are you taking my ship." asked Beka follwing Dylan onto the command deck.

"Because we need suplies and this is the only planet in the area with the kinds of technology we need." he replied.

"No why are YOU taking my ship, and why am I being left here."

"You've never been anywhere near Lysa before have you?"


"Lysens aren't exactlly an enlightened people when it comes to women, in their culture women are veiwed as inferior and classed as slave. They get sold off at will used in what ever way men want and they arrest offworld females on sight and sell them as slaves. They actually employ bounty hunters to go out and bring back off world women to be sold as more exotic slaves and the the last thing I want is you, Rommie and especially Trance anywhere near them."

"What are you saying Trance is more important than me or Rommie." asked Beka looking rather mad.

"No but she is one of a kind and to the Lysens that makes her more valuable."

"Ok I get why you're taking the Nietzschean but what I don't get is if they veiw women as inferior, why the hell are you bringing Harper, 'cause lets face it he isn't the poster boy for male superiority."

"Ah but that's where you're wrong," said Harper entering command, "The Lysens veiw brains as the highest form of superiority."

"Sadly that true," replied Dylan, "Harper is a virtual god down there."

"My kind of people, slave girls and appreciation of super genious now lets go boss."

Beka quickly slapped him on the back of the head, "Have you fixed those malfunctions in the main A.I. yet."

"If I had we wouldn't be here."

"Same question."

"Would I do something like that."

"YES." Dylan and Beka replied together.

"True but no, we need stock on on spare parts or we're going to fall out of the sky."

Dylan gave Beka a few more instruction before he and Harper left command


what happens next



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