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Adventures of Anya. | Bison | 6


As her eyes became accustomed to the dark Anya could make out the humanoid shapes that were approaching her.

"Who are you?" she called. A hissing unsettling voice answered her.
"We are the Techmasters pet project... a race of humans who can live in the most unforgiving landscape imaginable!"

Suddenly lights came on all around her. Blinded for a second she soon saw she was in a large rounded cavern with metal gates over the entrances. To her dismay Anya saw that she was surrounded by roughly ten 'men'. They were roughly man sized with a sparse brown fur over their arms, chests and legs. To her surprise they all had two enormous penis' hanging infront of four heavy testicles.

"I see youve noticed our other 'adaptation!" the lead man-thing said, "Weve been given enhanced reproductive abilities. Abilities which we get little chance to employ."
"You dont mean..." started Anya.
"Yes! Our balls ache painfully as they fill to bursting with semen, and we intend to relieve that ache with you!"


Can Anya escape or will she succmb to these hairy fiends?

          Play along and try to escape when its easier

          Anya moves into action

          Anya is used for relief


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