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Miss Patriot | the_dude79 | 4


“Can you pull out the two student files for me?” Miss Patriot asked Ruth as she started to page through the teacher’s file.

“Of course.” Ruth then turned and opened one of the file cabinets on the other side of the small room and removed Sam’s and Sue’s files. She placed the two files on top of the file cabinet next to where Miss patriot was already looking through Stephen's and Sandra's. Her hand then cupped Miss Patriot’s exposed butt cheek and gently squeezed. “There you go.” Ruth said in a soft husky voice. The older woman’s hand lingered for a moment her fingers brushing against the thong between Miss Patriot’s cheeks.

Miss Patriot held her breath and then exhaled sharply with Ruth removed her hand. “th-thank you.” The heroine stammered. Miss Patriot wasn’t sure what Ruth was doing and whether or not the actions were intentional. She tried to go back through her review of the files. She didn’t see anything that stood out as odd in the teacher’s, nor the janitors. Miss Patriot started paged through the students and except for some minor infractions did not see any problems.

Ruth placed her hand back on Miss Patriot’s back and started rubbing again. Her hand massaged up and down Miss Patriot’s spine. “Did you see anything?” Ruth asked, almost whispering into Miss Patriot’s ear.

“N-no. nothing.” Miss Patriot responded as she leaned forward against the file cabinet, enjoying the massage.

“You feel so tense.” Ruth said as she kneeded the heroine’s back muscles. “You should really try to relax.”

“I-I know. It is just difficult between being a superheroine and a normal person. There is a lot to do and think about.” Miss Patriot said. “Oh that feels nice.” She heroine leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

“Enjoy. I am sure things will be clearer to you after you get rid of some of this tension.” Ruth worked over Miss Patriot’s back muscles like a trained Masseuse. Rubbing, kneading, massaging, getting the heroine’s muscles to release their tight grip and loosen up. Starting at the middle of the heroine’s back, Ruth worked her way up until her hand was just under the tie that was holding Miss Patriot’s bra on.

Miss Patriot was closing her eyes and breathing deeply, she was surprised at how good the massage really felt. She started to think that she’d interview Stephen, the teacher, and Sandra the janitor. It was more likely that if anyone here was involved in the break ins, it was one of them. They would have access to more items needed for an operation and more to gain from it.


Does Miss Patriot interview Stephen or Sandra? Or does Ruth keep her from continuing?

          Ruth stops Miss Patriot from investigating further


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