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Laura and the Masseuse | LadyDust | 1


Laura threw her keys and mail on the hallway table. It was another rough day at work. Nothing like deadlines and the boss breathing down your neck. Upon taking her shoes off she glanced in the mirror, her long strawberry blond hair was out of place and messy, not to mention that her eyeliner was smudged around her gray/blue eyes, she never had the time at work to “primp,” as she called it. At least she was home now.

Laura grabbed the local paper from the mail pile and read the headline news. Same old depression material, but while she skimmed the rest of the paper an ad caught her attention, it read:

Wanted: People who want A full body massage. Local masseuse
school students need to get their hours in order to get their license.
Will come to your home! Call 555-3232 to make your

Laura tilts her neck to stretch out the muscles, “Yeah, I could definitely go for one of those about now!” Laura sets the paper aside and calls the number,

“South Dart Masseuse School, this is Carrie how may I help you?” A soft pleasant voice resonates in Laura’s ear and she smiles and thinks ‘the receptionist even sounds soothing I can’t wait to get one of the massage!’ but she gets her head out of the clouds and responds, “Yes, I read your ad and would like to set up an appointment.”

“Oh great! Where would you like this to take place? If you want it in your home we
recommend a nice calming environment, and enough room for a massage table.”

“Oh yeah, I did not think of that,” Laura was always most relaxed in her bedroom, it was designed in the style of Feng Shui, “I think my bedroom would be most suitable.”

“Very well, now I have an opening here for you at 6:00pm on Friday if that’s all right with you. I’ll just need your name, address and phone number and I’ll put you in.”

Laura gave the receptionist the above information and hung up the phone and sunk back in her chair for a nap, all the while anticipating the wonderful body massage.


Laura awakes:

          To the ringing of her doorbell


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